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八年级下册英语 八年级下册英语电子课本

八年级英语下册Unit4 Reading教案

24.be illed 害

作为一位不辞辛劳的教师,有必要进行细致的教案准备工作,教案是备课向课堂教学转化的关节点。那么的教案是什么样的呢?下面是我整理的八年级英语下册Unit4 Reading教案,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

八年级下册英语 八年级下册英语电子课本八年级下册英语 八年级下册英语电子课本


1. 教学内容

本课是新目标英语八年级下册第4单元阅读部分,本单元的语言目标是“Report what someone said”(引述别人讲的话),学习直接引语和间接引语。本课以“志愿者支教”为主要内容,通过志愿者杨蕾的支教事迹和想法而引出助人为乐,扶危济困这一中心话题,本文篇幅长,生词多,读前、读中、读后的任务多。鉴于学生的实际情况及教材的特点,考虑到学生对长篇阅读的畏难情绪以及他们在课堂上可能出现的一些反应,我大胆构思了整个教学过程,构建“以生为本”的互动式阅读课堂,想办法尽可能降低文章难度,将难点分散,并根据需要整合了运用多种教学方法,让学生在互动中享受阅读。

2. 教学目标

A. Knowledge objectives:

To the words and expressions.

To get familiar with the topic and use the sentences about ing others.

To use “Direct Speech and Reported Speech”.

B. Ability objectives:

C. Affective objectives:

Students are to realize the importance of ing others and they are encouraged to others.

Students’ team spirit will be improved by completing a certain task toger.

By understanding the life in rural areas, students are to realize how happy they are.

3 . 教学策略:







6. 教学重点:

(1)重点词汇village, area , thin, ate, decision, open up, start, after doing, influence, er, as, finish ,make do

(2)She said ing others changed her life.等间接引语等句型











Step 1 Warming up

Lead-in:Listen to an English song. Let the world be full of love.

step2 while yoead

show the picture of Yang Lei. Say: I show the photo of Yang Lei to arise students’ interest and review the story of the passage. Fast reading Read quickly to find out about Yang Lei’s opinion.

Task①提出4个中心问题,Who is Yang Lei?What did she do ?

Did Yang Lei enjoy teaching in the mountain area?

How long did she stay in the school?

设计意图: 问题简单清晰易懂,在学习文章内容的同时,帮助学生在头脑中形成文章主线,巩固文章大意。形成脑思维图的记忆会更长久。减少学生课业负担,提高课堂效率。

Task② Careful reading. Ask the students to find out the top sentence of each paragraph.

设计意图:找出每段大意Top sentence, 为书写summary 提供学习策略指导,使学生掌握阅读技巧。由篇章落实到段落、句子、短语、词的用法,让学生更加理解文本内容,扫清阅读理解上的障碍,增强课堂实效性。对文章当中出现的重点语句做详细分析。在教学上以激发学生的学习兴趣为主,通过不同的活动让学生感知、练语言,为下一步活动做好铺垫。

Task③ Complete the article with the words given as yoead.

展示Reading strategy: Get the meaning of a new word from the context.


Step3 After yoead

Task ④ Pair work (3a)

Show two pictures about poor children in some poor areas.

What is life like for you and Yang Lei’s students?

Discuss with your partner and complete the chart.


八年级英语下册教案 篇1





3) 总结回顾动词过去式的规则变化不规则变化。










ⅰ. warming- up and revision

1. let ss read the passage about jane’s vacation to malaysia. then fill in the blanks.

2. check the answers.

ⅱ. discussion

1. show some pictures of the some places of interest. l ss the name of them.

e.g. the great wall, summer palace, tian’anmen square, a beijing hutong…

2. let ss discuss what they can do, eat, buy… in those places.

ⅲ. writing

2. let some ss read the words in the box.

3. ss read the diary and try to fill in the blanks with the words in the box.


首先,应阅读日记一遍,了解日记的大意。然后,细读每一句,根据上下文文意来确定每个空格处应填的词汇。比如:读行可知此处是填空记日记时的时间,空格后面有日期,因此空格处应填月份august。读第二句话,可知空格处应填写天气的词汇,故应选hot and sunny。其他类似。

3. ss read the passage then fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

4. check the answers.

ⅳ. pra在每小题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入句子空白处的选项,并将写在题前的括号内。ct

work on 3b:

1. let some ss read the questions aloud to the ss. make sure they know the meaning of the questions.

2. let ss work in pairs to ask and answer the questions. write their answers on a piece of .

3. get some pairs read out their answers.

4. check the verbs forms.

work on 3c:

1. l ss to write a trel diary like jane’s on page 5. use your notes in 3b.

2. 写作指导:





3. ss write their diary by themselves. give any they need.

4. let some ss read their diary to the class.

ⅴ. self check 1


2. let ss read the all conversation and choose the correct words in the box to fill in the blanks.

3. check the answers with the ss.

4. explain any problem that ss can’t understand.

ⅵ. self check 2


2. ss read the passage and fill in the blanks.

4. check answers with the ss.

5. explain any problem that ss can’t understand.

ⅶ. group work

1. l ss what they should in this activity. imagine you are all foreigners on vacation in china. you meet each other at the airport on your way home. talk about what you did on your vacation.

2. ss work in groups of four and ask and answer about their vacations in china.

3. let some pairs act out their conversations in front of the class.


1. review section b.

2.阅读self check 2的短文,并强化记忆所列举动词的一般过去式形式。

3. 总结全单元出现的不规则变化的动词的一般过去式,并努力记住他们。


section b 2 3a-self check

3a: august, hot and sunny, a beijing hutong, beautiful, bought soming special, it was interesting, beijing duck, delicious, tired

3b: where did you go? what food did you eat?

did you go with anyone? what did you like best?

how was the weather? did you dislike anything?

what did you do ry day? how did you feel about the trip?

八年级英语下册g教案 篇2








(4)能够结合例文进行对problems 和a 的写作。


(1)能够正确使用下列单词chance, beat, shame, pity, refuse, warn, rather, final, pract, punish, such, exam, truth, prove, honest, onto, terrible, realize, virus, mend, shelf, steal

(2)能够正确使用下列词组 be able to, all toger, at the end of, take off, at least, pocket money, after all, . with sth., hurry up






(1)重点词汇:chance, beat, shame, pity, refuse, warn, rather, final, pract, punish, such, exam, truth, prove, honest, onto, terrible, realize, virus, mend, shelf, steal


if i play well, i’ll play the solo.

if the teacher chooses kylie, she’ll play the dance music.

if she becomes a star, her parents won’t send her away.






课时 unit 1

第二课时 unit 2 activities 1,2&3

第三课时 unit 2 writing; unit 3 activities 6,7,10,11&12

第四课时 unit3 activities1,2,3,4,5,8,9,around the world,& workbook

period 1

词汇:chance, beat, shame, pity, refuse, warn, rather, final, pract, punish, such, exam


step 1 lead-in

ask: 1) what’s your hobby? 2) do you like dancing?

3) what do your parents think about it?

八年级英语下册教案 篇3





2.would/wouldn’t do sth结构本身比较简单,学生掌握起来难度不大,只要教师稍加指点就行。



























Period One:Unit1

Period Two:Unit2

Period Three:Unit3 (Activity1,2,5,7,8)

Period Four:Unit3 (Activity4,10,aroundtheworld)

八年级英语下册Unit4 Reading教案

11. need doing sth 需要做某事;

作为一位不辞辛劳的教师,有必要进行细致的教案准备工作,教案是备课向课堂教学转化的关节点。那么的教案是什么样的呢?下面是我整理的八年级英语下册Unit4 Reading教案,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

( )61. oil in some way in the world.


1. 教学内容

本课是新目标英语八年级下册第4单元阅读部分,本单元的语言目标是“Report what someone said”(引述别人讲的话),学习直接引语和间接引语。本课以“志愿者支教”为主要内容,通过志愿者杨蕾的支教事迹和想法而引出助人为乐,扶危济困这一中心话题,本文篇幅长,生词多,读前、读中、读后的任务多。鉴于学生的实际情况及教材的特点,考虑到学生对长篇阅读的畏难情绪以及他们在课堂上可能出现的一些反应,我大胆构思了整个教学过程,构建“以生为本”的互动式阅读课堂,想办法尽可能降低文章难度,将难点分散,并根据需要整合了运用多种教学方法,让学生在互动中享受阅读。

2. 教学目标

A. Knowledge objectives:

To the words and expressions.

To get familiar with the topic and use the sentences about ing others.

To use “Direct Speech and Reported Speech”.

B. Ability objectives:

C. Affective objectives:

Students are to realize the importance of ing others and they are encouraged to others.

Students’ team spirit will be improved by completing a certain task toger.

By understanding the life in rural areas, students are to realize how happy they are.

3 . 教学策略:







6. 教学重点:

(1)重点词汇village, area , thin, ate, decision, open up, start, after doing, influence, er, as, finish ,make do

(2)She said ing others changed her life.等间接引语等句型











Step 1 Warming up

Lead-in:Listen to an English song. Let the world be full of love.

step2 while yoead

show the picture of Yang Lei. Say: I show the photo of Yang Lei to arise students’ interest and review the story of the passage. Fast reading Read quickly to find out about Yang Lei’s opinion.

Task①提出4个中心问题,Who is Yang Lei?What did she do ?

Did Yang Lei enjoy teaching in the mountain area?

How long did she stay in the school?

设计意图: 问题简单清晰易懂,在学习文章内容的同时,帮助学生在头脑中形成文章主线,巩固文章大意。形成脑思维图的记忆会更长久。减少学生课业负担,提高课堂效率。

Task② Careful reading. Ask the students to find out the top sentence of each paragraph.

设计意图:找出每段大意Top sentence, 为书写summary 提供学习策略指导,使学生掌握阅读技巧。由篇章落实到段落、句子、短语、词的用法,让学生更加理解文本内容,扫清阅读理解上的障碍,增强课堂实效性。对文章当中出现的重点语句做详细分析。在教学上以激发学生的学习兴趣为主,通过不同的活动让学生感知、练语言,为下一步活动做好铺垫。

Task③ Complete the article with the words given as yoead.

展示Reading strategy: Get the meaning of a new word from the context.


Step3 After yoead

Task ④ Pair work (3a)

Show two pictures about poor children in some poor areas.

What is life like for you and Yang Lei’s students?

Discuss with your partner and complete the chart.


八年级英语下册教案 篇1





3) 总结回顾动词过去式的规则变化不规则变化。










ⅰ. warming- up and revision

1. let ss read the passage about jane’s vacation to malaysia. then fill in the blanks.

2. check the answers.

ⅱ. discussion

1. show some pictures of the some places of interest. l ss the name of them.

e.g. the great wall, summer palace, tian’anmen square, a beijing hutong…

2. let ss discuss what they can do, eat, buy… in those places.

ⅲ. writing

2. let some ss read the words in the box.

3. ss read the diary and try to fill in the blanks with the words in the box.


首先,应阅读日记一遍,了解日记的大意。然后,细读每一句,根据上下文文意来确定每个空格处应填的词汇。比如:读行可知此处是填空记日记时的时间,空格后面有日期,因此空格处应填月份august。读第二句话,可知空格处应填写天气的词汇,故应选hot and sunny。其他类似。

3. ss read the passage then fill in the blanks with the words in the box.

4. check the answers.

ⅳ. pract

work on 3b:

1. let some ss read the questions aloud to the ss. make sure they know the meaning of the questions.

2. let ss work in pairs to ask and answer the questions. write their answers on a piece of .

3. get some pairs read out their answers.

4. check the verbs forms.

work on 3c:

1. l ss to write a trel diary like jane’s on page 5. use your notes in 3b.

2. 写作指导:





3. ss write their diary by themselves. give any they need.

4. let some ss read their diary to the class.

ⅴ. self check 1


2. let ss read the all conversation and choose the correct words in the box to fill in the blanks.

3. check the answers with the ss.

4. explain any problem that ss can’t understand.

ⅵ. self check 2


2. ss read the passage and fill in the blanks.

4. check answers with the ss.

5. explain any problem that ss can’t understand.

ⅶ. group work

1. l ss what they should in this activity. imagine you are all foreigners on vacation in china. you meet each other at the airport on your way home. talk about what you did on your vacation.

2. ss work in groups of four and ask and answer about their vacations in china.

3. let some pairs act out their conversations in front of the class.


1. review section b.

2.阅读self check 2的短文,并强化记忆所列举动词的一般过去式形式。

3. 总结全单元出现的不规则变化的动词的一般过去式,并努力记住他们。


section b 2 3a-self check

3a: august, hot and sunny, a beijing hutong, beautiful, bought soming special, it was interesting, beijing duck, delicious, tired

3b: where did you go? what food did you eat?

did you go with anyone? what did you like best?

how was the weather? did you dislike anything?

what did you do ry day? how did you feel about the trip?

八年级英语下册g教案 篇2








(4)能够结合例文进行对problems 和a 的写作。


(1)能够正确使用下列单词chance, beat, shame, pity, refuse, warn, rather, final, pract, punish, such, exam, truth, prove, honest, onto, terrible, realize, virus, mend, shelf, steal

(2)能够正确使用下列词组 be able to, all toger, at the end of, take off, at least, pocket money, after all, . with sth., hurry up






(1)重点词汇:chance, beat, shame, pity, refuse, warn, rather, final, pract, punish, such, exam, truth, prove, honest, onto, terrible, realize, virus, mend, shelf, steal


if i play well, i’ll play the solo.

if the teacher chooses kylie, she’ll play the dance music.

if she becomes a star, her parents won’t send her away.






课时 unit 1

第二课时 unit 2 activities 1,2&3

第三课时 unit 2 writing; unit 3 activities 6,7,10,11&12

第四课时 unit3 activities1,2,3,4,5,8,9,around the world,& workbook

period 1

词汇:chance, beat, shame, pity, refuse, warn, rather, final, pract, punish, such, exam


step 1 lead-in

ask: 1) what’s your hobby? 2) do you like dancing?

3) what do your parents think about it?

八年级英语下册教案 篇3





2.would/wouldn’t do sth结构本身比较简单,学生掌握起来难度不大,只要教师稍加指点就行。



























Period One:Unit1

Period Two:Unit2

Period Three:Unit3 (Activity1,2,5,7,8)

Period Four:Unit3 (Activity4,10,aroundtheworld)


教学内容:unit 1 activities 1,2,3,4,5,6&7




B. 听对话(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)



( )6. What’s Mary’s hobby?

A. Listening to pop music.

B. Collecting stamps.

C. Collecting shells.


( )7. How much should the man pay?

A. 135 yuan. B. 125 yuan. C. 145 yuan.


( )8. How can the man get to the village?

A. By bus. B. By car. C. By bike.


( )9. Which subject is Peter weak in?

A. Math. B. Physics. C. English.


( )10. Who likes climbing mountains very much?

A. Helen. B. Gray. C. Helen’s brother.


( )11. What happened to Mark?

A. He drove so fast that he hurt himself.

B. A car hit him on the road.

C. He hurt his left foot.

( )12. What will the woman do next?

A. She will go to a farmhouse for .

B. She will send Mike to hospital.

C. She will try to him walk.


( )13. What does St do?

A. A journalist. B. A student. C. A driver.

( )14. What foreign languages can St speak?

A. French and English.

B. English and Russian.

C. French and Russian.

( )15. Which country is not mentioned in the dialogue?

A. America. B. Australia. C. France.

C. 听短文(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)


( )16. What did Sue want to know in her last letter?

A. Soming about Amy’s town.

B. Soming about the food in Amy’s town.

C. Soming about interesting places in Amy’s town.

( )17. How many places did Amy talk about in her letter?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.

( )18. How far is it from the park to Amy’s house?

A. Quite far. B. Very near. C. An hour’s walk.

( )19. Where does Amy often do her homework?

A. At home. B. At school. C. At the library.

( )20. How is the food in Top Food Center?

A. Cheap and n.

B. Expensive but delicious.

C. Cheap but not so delicious.

D. 听填信息(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)

Information Card about Treling to Hunan

Time to get to the airport (21) .

Things to take A all (22) ; some (23) ;

A thick (24) ; the (25) box.

Don’t need to take An MP3 player.

二﹑单项选择 (本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)

( )26. the baby saw her mother, she laughed through her tears.

A. As soon as B. Why C. Where D. If

( )27. You can’t remember the words you learn them by heart.

A. unless B. if C. or D. less

( )28. But what could Lily do buying a new bike?

A. instead B. to instead C. instead of D. instead with

( )29. — What’s your brother like?

— He is .

A. a driver B. very tall C. my friend D. at school

( )30. The jacket was so that he decided to buy it.

A. much B. little C. expensive D. cheap

( )31. Our classroom is larger than theirs.

A. more B. quite C. very D. much

( )32. The earth is about as the moon.

A. as fifty time big B. fifty times as big

C. as big fifty times D. fifty as times big

( )33. Your room is mine.

A. tw as large than B. tw the size of

C. bigger tw than D. as tw large as

( )34. Your room is than mine.

A. three time big B. three times big

C. three times bigger D. bigger three times

( )35. My father is than hi五、教学过程设计s mother.

A. older four years B. as four years older

C. four years older D. four years bigger

( )36. This box is that one.

A. hey than B. so hey than C. heier as D. as hey as

( )37. When we speak to people, we should be .

A. as polite as sible B. as polite as sibly

C. as poliy as sible D. as poliy as sibly

( )38. This book is that one, but than that one.

C. as difficult as;more expensive D. more difficult as;as expensive

( )39. I think the story is not so as that one.

A. interesting B. interested

C. more interesting D. most interesting

( )40. His father began to work he was sn years old.

A. as old as B. as early as C. since D. while

( )41. At last he began to cry .

A. hard and hard B. more hard and more hard

C. harder and harder D. less hard and less harder

( )42. When spring comes, the days get and the nights get .

A. short;long B. long;short

C. longer;shorter D. shorter;longer

( )43. I look at the picture, I like it.

A. The best;the more B. The more;the less

C. The more;less D. More;the more

( )44. he read the novel, he got in it.

A. The more;the more interesting B. The less;the more interesting

C. The more;the more interested D. More;more interested

( )45. you come back, it will be.

A. The quicker;the best B. The sooner;the better

C. Faster;the better D. The sooner;better

三﹑完形填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)


Mrs. Green has a busy job. She is very 46 after work ry day and wants to he a good sleep. But Mr. Green is a soccer fan (足球迷).He watches soccer on TV very 47 ry night, and sometimes he 48 at two o’clock. Mrs. Green asks him to sleep early, 49 he doesn’t 50 her. He loves soccer so much! These days, Mrs. Green felt very 51 .She decided to go to the 52 yesterday. Mr. Green went there with her. When Mrs. Green visited the doctor, Mr. Green had to 53 outside the doctor’s off. After a moment, Mrs. Green came 54 with some 55 in her hand. She said to Mr. Green, “I get two kinds of medicine from the doctor. One is for me and the other is for you. “For me?” Mr. Green was surprised.

( )46.A. tired B. gry C. sad D. hey

( )47. A. often B. loudly C. late D. hard

( )48. A. gets up B. goes to bed C. plays soccer D. cries

( )49. A. and B. but C. so D. then

( )50. A. see B. look at C. hear D. listen to

( )51. A. well B. weak C. happy D. hot

( )52. A. park B. market C. pool D. hospital

( )53. A. wait B. walk C. exercise D. eat

( )54. A. in B. back C. out D. /

( )55. A. fruit B. meat C. medicine D. water

四﹑阅读理解 (本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)


AIn Britain (英国) the weather nr gets too hot or too cold. There is not a great difference between summer and winter. Why is this?

Britain has a warm winter and a cold summer because it is an island country. In winter the sea is warmer than the land. The winds from the sea bring warm air to Britain. In summer, the sea is cooler than the land. The winds from the sea bring cool air to Britain.

The winds from the west blow over Britain all the year. They blow from the southwest across the Atlantic Ocean (大西洋).They are wet winds. They bring rain to Britain all the year. The west of Britain is wetter than the east. The east of Britain is drier than the west.

( )56. What is the weather like in Britain?

A. It’s too hot or too cold. B. It’s too hot.

C. It’s not too hot or too cold. D. It’s too cold.

( )57. When do the winds bring cool air to Britain?

A. In summer. B. In spring.

C. In autumn. D. In winter.

( )58. Why is the weather in summer and in winter nearly the same?

A. Because there is no difference between summer and winter in Britain.

B. Because there is sea air around this country.

C. Because there are winds from the high land.

D. Because there is much rain in the Atlantic Ocean.

( )59. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. There is more rain in the east than in the west.

B. There is a lot of rain in the east and in the west.

C. There is less rain in the east than in the west.

D. There is no rain in the east.

( )60. The passage ls us about the in Britain.

A. sea B. rain C. wind D. weather

BAlmost ryone in the world uses oil (石油) in some way. Without oil, the world will stop, so men look for it rywhere. Oilmen drill for oil in deserts, in mountains and under the sea. Quite often they find nothing, but their search for oil always goes on. Oil is very important because none of our machines can run without it. Big ships carry oil rywhere. Perhaps the oil in your father’s car comes from somewhere far away. Perhaps it comes from Iraq () or Venezuela (委内瑞拉). Cars need oil, and so do many other things. How many things can you name?

A. Many people use B. Hardly anyone uses

C. All people use D. Few people use

( )62. What does the underlined word “drill” mean in Chinese?

A. 练 B. 训练 C. 钻探 D. 研究

( )63. Oilmen sometimes find oil .

A. in deserts B. in mountains

C. under the sea D. All of the above.

( )64. The sentence “Big ships carry oil rywhere.” ls us .

A. oil comes from rywhere B. oil comes from big ships

C. oil is needed rywhere D. big ships need oil rywhere

( )65. Which of the following sentence is NOT true?

A. There is oil in deserts, mountains and under the sea.

B. Not all of our machines need oil.

C. Although oilmen don’t find oil quite often, they always go on searching for oil.

D. Maybe the oil in your father’s car has come from Iraq.


( )66. Mrs. Wang wants her son to take some swimming lessons during the summer vacation.

( )67. Maomao wants to buy some newss to read in order to improve his English.

( )68. Xingxing’s father is going to buy some English grammar books for him.

( )69. Mr. Green hopes that he can the people who lost their homes in the flood (洪水).

( )70. Mrs. Zhang wants someone to take care of her baby for three hours a day.

A. 21st Century

This is a news for English learners of all lls.

B. Yimei Children’s Activity Center

The singing, dancing and swimming lessons are great.Tel:8873?6566.Add:No.54 Baiyun Road.

C. Yigao Comr Selling Center

Different kinds of comrs on sale.Low prs and high quality.

D. Tianhe Book Center

There is an English learning book section where you can find all sorts of books about English.

E. Baby-sitting Serv Center


F. The Red Cross

Money and clothes are both accepted to the people in flooded areas.

G. Guangzhou’s biggest audio and video market

It’s located in (位于) 3rd Dashatou Road.

六﹑读写综合 (本大题分为A、B两部分,共20分)

A. 信息归纳 (共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)


Canada is a big country with a large area, but it has a all population. It lies in North America with ocean around it in three directions except in the south, where the United States is. The Great Lakes are between Canada and the United States. There are many lakes and islands in the coastal areas. Canadians care about the environment very much. The government and the people in Canada try their best to protect the environment. So in Canada, the air is fresh, the water is clean, and the sky is blue. Many tourists like to trel in Canada and live for some time to relax themselves.

The climate in Canada is different from area to area. It is wet in the west and east, but cold in the north and south. Canada is rich in natural resources, such as forests, fresh water, coal, oil, and so on. Farmland mainly lies in the south where farmers grow lots of corn and wheat. There are many big farms there. The farmers work hard so that the people in Canada can get enough good food for their daily life. Industry in this country is well dloped and the transportation is very convenient. Living surroundings in Canada are the best in the world. Canadians enjoy themselves and live a happy life.

Information Card

Natural resources in Canada (81) , fresh water, coal, oil, etc.

Where are many lakes and islands? (82) .

Where does the farmland mainly lie? (83) .

The climate in the north and south (84) .

The best in the world (85) .

B. 书面表达 (15分)


内容包括:1. 为什么要重视环保?

2. 保护环境的措施有哪些?(至少写出四点)

作文要求:1. 词数80个左右,短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数内。

2. 条理清晰,语句连贯。

Pollution is a very serious problem in the world.



1~5 BABAC 6~10 BACBC 11~15 CABCB 16~20 ABBCA

(21)8:20 a.m. (22)backpack (23)books (24)coat (25)medicine


26~30 AACBD 31~35 DBBCC 36~40 DACAB 41~45 CCBCB


46~50 ACBBD 51~55 BDACC

56~60 CABCD 61~65 ACDCB 66~70 BADFE


(71)to (72)long (73)called / named (74)wide (75)of (76)the (77)a

(78)fire (79)don’t (80)it

六﹑ 读写综合(本大题分为A、B两部分,共20分)



(82)In the coastal areas

(83)In the south

(84)It’s cold

(85)Living surroundings in Canada


Pollution is a very serious problem in the world.We can’t imagine how to live in the future without clean water or fresh air.We he only one earth,so we he to think about how to protect the environment.

In my opinion,factories mustn’t pour the waste water into rivers,lakes and so on.Drivers should stop driving cars for some time if they can.We should use wooden products less than before.Then many green trees can be sed.Besides protecting plants,we are suped to protect animals.We need each kind of animal.

Of course,the government must do soming about this.We want our beautiful world to be back.


1. 人教版八年级下册英语期末试卷及

2. 八年级下册英语Unit1试卷及

3. 新人教版八年级下册英语期末试卷及

4. 新教材完全考卷八年级英语下

5. 新课标英语八年级下册测试卷


1. l ss they went to one of these places of interest last summer vacation. with the of the words in the box, try to fill in the blanks of the diary.


A. as difficult as;expensive B. as more difficult as;more expensive



★希望做某事hope to do sth. ★决定做某事decide to do sth.

★同意做某事agree to do sth. ★需要某人做某事need to do sth.

★使用某物做某事use sth to do sth ★迫不及待做某事can’t wait to do

★准备做某事get/be ready to do ★尽力/努力做某事try to do sth

★做某事plan to do sth. ★不得不he to do

★轮流做某事take one’s turns to do sth. ★拒绝做某事refuse to do sth.

★告诉某人做某事l . to do sth. ★请某人做某事ask . to do sth.

★希望某人做某事wish . to do sth. ★教某人做某事teach . to do sth

★想要某人做某事want /would like .to do sth.

★同意某人做某事agree . to do sth. .

★喜欢/想要某人做某事 like . to do sth.

★帮助某人做某事 . to do sth/ .do

★encourage to do 鼓励某人做

★It’s one’s turn to do sth. 轮到某人做某事

例句:It your turn to clean the blackboard.

★It’s time(for .) to do sth.是某人做某事时候了

例句:It’s time for me to go home.

★It’s +adj. for/of . to do sth. 对于某人来说做某事是……(当adj.是表示性格、品德的形容词时用of)

例句: It is easy for me to learn it well. It is very kind/foolish/n of you to do so.

★ It takes . sometime to do sth. 某人做某事花了某时间

例句: 1.It takes me an hour to get to school by bike.

2.It took me an hour to watch TV last night.

3.It will take her two weeks to finish the work.

★too+adj./a. to do sth. 太…..而不能

例: He was to angry to say a word.

★find/think/feel it +adj. to do sth.发现/认为/感到做某事是…

例: I find/think/feel it hard to learn English well.

★序数词+to do 第…..个做某事

例句:Who is the first to get there?

★我不知/忘记了怎么办。I didn't know/forgot what to do.

★ 离间时不要忘记/记住关灯

例句:Don’t forget/Remember to turn off the lights when you left the room

★ be+adj+to do sth

例句:1.I am very sorry to hear that.

2.I am ready to others.

3.I am happy/pleased/glad to meet you.

顺口溜:本领最多不定式,主表定补宾和状;样样成分都能干,只有谓语它不敢;大家千万要小心,有时它把句型改;作主语时用it,自己在后把身藏;七个感官三使役,宾补要把to甩开;疑问词后接上它,宾语从句可充当;逻辑主语不定式,不定式前加for .;to前not是否定,各种用法区别开。


★ let . do sth让某人做某事 ★ make do sth使得某人做某事

★ hear do sth do sth听见某人做某事 ★see do sth do sth看见某人做某事

★ why not 或why don’t you +动词原形?为什么不….?(表示建议)

例:Why not/Why don’t you take a walk?

★ 某人+had better( not)do 某人(不)做某事

★ 情态动词can/may /must /should+ 动词原形(包括情态动词的否定形式+动词原形)

★ 助动词do/does/did/will/would在构成疑问句或者构成否定句即don’t /doesn’t /didn’t /will not /would not+ 动词原形

★ be going to + 动词原形(表示“即将”“打算” 做某事)



1.在进行时态中。如: 1.He is watching TV in the room.

2.They were dancing at nine o'clock last night.

2.在there be结构中。如:There is a boy swimming in the river.

3.在he fun/problems结构中。如:We he fun learning English this term.

They had problems getting to the top of the mountain.

4.在介词后面。如:Thanks for ing me. Are you good at playing basketball?

What /How about doing sth? 做某事怎么样? I am interested in playing football.


1. enjoy doing sth 喜欢做某事;

2. finish doing sth; 完成做某事;

3. feel like doing sth 想要做某事;

4. stop doing sth 停止做某事(原来的事)

5. forget doing sth 忘记做过某事;

6. go on doing sth 继续做某事(原来的事);

7. remember doing sth 记得做过某事;

8. like doing sth 喜欢做某事;

9. find /see/hear/watch doing发现/看到/听到/观看某人做

10. try doing sth 试图做某事;

12. prefer doing sth 宁愿做某事;

13. mind doing sth 介意做某事;

14. miss doing sth 错过做某事;

15. pract doing sth 练习做某事;

16. be busy doing sth 忙于做某事;

17. can't doing sth 禁不住做某事;

18. waste time/money doing 浪费时间/金钱做…;

19. keep .doing 让…始终/一直做…

20. stop .(from)doing 阻止某人做某事

21. prefer doing B to doing B=like A better than A喜欢做A更喜欢做B

22. “do some +doing”短语

如:do some shopping/do some washing/do some reading/do some practicing/do some cleaning/do some speaking

23.“go doing”短语去做某事(主要指文娱活动等)

如:go shopping/go fishing/go swimming/go hiking/go skating/go camping/go skiing(滑雪/go boating /go ting (打猎)



(1) 动词不定式常跟这些及物动词之后,want ,refuse, forget, need , try, learn , like, agree, , hope ,decide, begin等。可用顺口溜(要想拒绝忘记,需要努力学习,喜欢同意帮助,希望决定开始)

(2) 不定式的否定形式是在to的前面直接加not. My mother decided not to buy a comr for me.

(3) 不定式可以和疑问词who , which ,when, where ,how, what等连用。 Can you l me what to say at the meeting ? I don’t know how to get to the station.

(4) 本topic出现的句子有:

I he some exciting news to l you.

I want to make a ho reservation.

It is very common to raise money in Canadian and American schools.

The best way to raise money is to sell newss.

I think the most exciting way is to sell flowers in the ning.

Kangkang ed us to book the train tickets.



(1) 动词不定式常跟这些及物动词之后,want ,refuse, forget, need , try, learn , like, agree, , hope ,decide, begin等。可用顺口溜(要想拒绝忘记,需要努力学习,喜欢同意帮助,希望决定开始)

(2) 不定式的否定形式是在to的前面直接加not. My mother decided not to buy a comr for me.

(3) 不定式可以和疑问词who , which ,when, where ,how, what等连用。 Can you l me what to say at the meeting ? I don’t know how to get to the station.

(4) 本topic出现的句子有:

I he some exciting news to l you.

I want to make a ho reservation.

It is very common to raise money in Canadian and American schools.

The best way to raise money is to sell newss.

I think the most exciting way is to sell flowers in the ning.

Kangkang ed us to book the train tickets.

重点语法 时间状语从句


(1) when, while , as 当……时候. when 后可跟短暂性动词也可跟延续性动词;while 后跟延续性动词;as 多用于口语,强调同一时间,或一前一后。

The students were talking in the classroom when the teacher came in.

= While the students were talking in the classroom , the teacher came in. 学生在教室里谈话时,老师进来了。

Mother always sings as she cooks dinner for us. 妈妈总是边给我们做饭边唱歌。

(2)not … until 直到……才,主句谓语动词常用短暂性动词。

I won’t lee here until the rain stops.

He didn’t sleep until his mother came back home.

(3) after 在……之后,before 在……之前,as soon as 一……就

I went to sleep after I finished my homework..= I finished my homework before I went to sleep.

As soon as the bell rings , the students will go into the classroom.

2. 时态


While I was doing my homework , the ephone rang.

(2)当主句的时态为一般将来时, 从句用一般现在时。

I will call you as soon as I get to Beijing.

重点语法 条件状语从句

1.条件状语从句由if(如果),unless(除非)等 的,谓语动词常用一般现在时表示将来,主句用一般将来时。

主句 if从句

Will (must, should, may) 一般现在时

如:I won’t go if he doesn’t go .

We will pass the exam if we study hard.

We won’t pass the exam unless we study hard..

2. 祈使句+and/or 的结果句,祈使句在意义上相当于条件状语从句。

如:Hurry up, or you’ll be late.= If you don’t hurry up, you’ll be late.=You’ll be late unless you hurry up.

Study hard, and you will pass the exam.= If you study hard, you will pass the exam.


3. let some ss write their answers on the blackboard.

1. 八下英语第二单元作文 大概一写, 你说的八下指的是初中2年纪吗?


Basically, I was study in english in 7 years old. In the very beginning, it is my mother force me to study in it, I was absoluy not intersted.

Few years ago, I met a foreigner, the man who e from Canada. I met him on the railway station, he was like so nervors and ask me how to pronunced the name wrote on his . After I ed him, I relized study in english is a good thing, because of all people around were look at me. In that moment, I am a sparking super star.

I do speaking english outside school, as I mentioned, english bee on of the part of my life.

In the conclusion, it is still he huge space which I could improved such as my english reading skills, based on the funding of english, I must read a lot of books to improve my vocabulary. That is one of the major problem I he to slove in the furture.

我在这里边犯了很多的错误,写的太好反而你老师会怀疑。 不太清楚你到底是什么要求,字数什么的,有什么问题直接告诉我,我可以给你一定的辅导。 我不是老师,不收钱。 我只是个闲得蛋疼的留学生。

2. 八下英语第二单元作文

大概一写, 你说的八下指的是初中2年纪吗?Basically, I was study in english in 7 years old. In the very beginning, it is my mother force me to study in it, I was absoluy not intersted.Few years ago, I met a foreigner, the man who e from Canada. I met him on the railway station, he was like so nervors and ask me how to pronunced the name wrote on his . After I ed him, I relized study in english is a good thing, because of all people around were look at me. In that moment, I am a sparking super star. I do speaking english outside school, as I mentioned, english bee on of the part of my life. In the conclusion, it is still he huge space which I could improved such as my english reading skills, based on the funding of english, I must read a lot of books to improve my vocabulary. That is one of the major problem I he to slove in the furture.我在这里边犯了很多的错误,写的太好反而你老师会怀疑。

不太清楚你到底是什么要求,字数什么的,有什么问题直接告诉我,我可以给你一定的辅导。 我不是老师,不收钱。


3. 八年级英语下册第二单元作文怎么写

Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to hutiaoxia

by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,“chenlu, don't do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept the umbrella。i was very happy

4. 人教版八年级下册英语第二单元作文

It also can you be relaxed to eat some fruit.So we should know how to relax,isn',我重新写一篇就是了;t do well in work. It is improtant way to relax.It is bad for healthy and study to be sressed,4点再说. Then we can do some activites we like to do.

At lastMany people under the pressure,不行的话;t get good grades in study or don'。;t it.

First of all。谢谢, wo need to fet the things that make us nervous. They feel tired。?

你先写。, keeping in a good interest to your life, like don'。

5. 初中八年级下册第二单元英语作文范文

Dear looking for hlep, There are lots of thing you couid do .first,you should l your teacher why didn't do homework .then youshould l her to return your mathbook as quickly as sible .and you mustn't borrod her things again . or maybe you could borrow her things and don't return her good luck yous aunt chen。

6. 八年级下册英语 第二单元作文写一封回信

Dear Lucy,

I he a problem these days ,and I need your .I am not getting on will with some of my clas ate. I don`t know why. Last Saturday one of my clas ates had a birthday party at home . She invited many clas ates ,butshe didn`t invit me.I feel worried and I don`t know what to do. Could you l me what I should do?

7. 【八下英语第二单元做志愿者的学生们短文翻译】


马里奥.格林和玛丽.格林,他们是河边高级中学的学生,每周自愿用几小时时间来帮助他人。 马里奥.格林喜欢动物,他想当一名兽医。






8. 8年级下册英语配套第二单元作文写养老院

Today my clas ates and I went to the Home for the Elderly to he our deepest sympathies with the old by bus at 2'clock p.m..With pleasure,we ed the old clean their clothes and sweep the floor.We talked things happened in our young life,and heard them talk the beauty days in their past time.Even thought this work looked very hard,we felt happy.During the short 3 hours in the Home for the Elderly,we deeply realized that-- it's important to look after the old and respect them.How time flies,we had to say goodbye in the end,and promised to visit them next time.And then the same bus took us back.。

9. 八年级下册Unit 2英语作文

I am so sorry to hear that you he no friends and you`re poor in your lessons. But don`t care about that and you must trust yourself. Tell you soming easy to make friends and do well in lessons.One, you must be outgoing and you should try to make friends actively. Two, you should buy a note-book and when you he all the lessons,you should write down the important knowledge. Three, wish you successful !




To find out the rmation and get the general idea of the text.To infer the meaning of the word they don’t know from the context.


你将听到一段关于Jane 旅行前的短文。 请根据所听内容,用正确的信息完成下面的信息采集表。录音读两遍。

A:Welcome to our English corner.I'm jack.Let's make an introduction.

B:Hello ryone, I'm jim.

C:N to meet you, I'm lily.

D:I'm jully, happy to be here.

A: So, today our topic is what's your forite sports?

B: wow, n topic, I like sports very much,especially basketball.

C: I like badminton.

D: I don't like sports, that's because why I'm so fat.A:oh, jully, don't be so sad, do some exercise is good for your healthy.B:So l us why you are interested in sports which you like.

C:I like badminton because I like the sport star Lin Dan.He is very cool in ry match.

D:I think I'm a little lazy. But I he my fouriter basketball star, he is Kobe Brant. Did you see his match? He is a myth after Michal Jodan.

A:I like him,too. I aise you take an example for him to lose your weight.

B:Don't play an joke on jully. I know her pain.Maybe she has no time to do exercise.

C: Lazy,lazy. People always he time.

D:Now it seems that our topic changes to me.

A:OK, I suggest us going to the exercise room to go on our topic.

B:Good idea, I want to do some exercises now.

C:Let's go.

D:I'll go soon.


A Hi,ryone. i he sth new to l you.

B. Yes?

A. I was walking on the street at 12 o'clock when I saw a UFO landed right in front of the library.

C/ what happened?

D/ Are you kidding?

A/ No, I am serious. The UFO walked out of its flying machine.

next?A. UFO walked into a store

B. Did you follow it?

A. I was so curious that i went into the store,too.

C. was the shop assistant afraid?

D. Did he call the pol?

A. Yes, he did. But when the pol arrived, the UFO had


B. where did the UFO go next?

A. The UFO came to the seaside park and saw the beautiful sea.

C. Really? Was he enjoying the sea? Maybe he didn't see it before .

D. And he didn't know what it was.

A. Mayeb. You are right.

B. Did he lee soon?

A. Yes, five minutes later, he left. I didn't see him any more.

C. If only i had the chance!

D. Me too.

B. let's wish we are lucky to see the UFO sometime.

C/D all right.


A: Hello, 954122

B: Hello! Is that Tom?

A: Yes, speaking.

B: Tom, this is Hack, Fred is ill in hospital.

A: Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.

B: I want to see him. Do you know the way to the North

Street Hospital?

A: Yes. You can take the No.27 bus. Get off at the North

Street. Then go along the road, take the first turning on

the right. Walk on and turn left.

You’ll find it in front of you.

B: Thank you very much.


This is…speaking 我是……

Who’s that? 你是谁?

Is that…speaking? 你是……?

Could I speak to…? 我能和……说话吗?

Hold on for a moment. 等一会,稍等。

Could I take a message? 我可以带一个信吗?


Dear Dennis,




B. 听对话(共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)



( )6. What’s Mary’s hobby?

A. Listening to pop music.

B. Collecting stamps.

C. Collecting shells.


( )7. How much should the man pay?

A. 135 yuan. B. 125 yuan. C. 145 yuan.


( )8. How can the man get to the village?

A. By bus. B. By car. C. By bike.


( )9. Which subject is Peter weak in?

A. Math. B. Physics. C. English.


( )10. Who likes climbing mountains very much?

A. Helen. B. Gray. C. Helen’s brother.


( )11. What happened to Mark?

A. He drove so fast that he hurt himself.

B. A car hit him on the road.

C. He hurt his left foot.

( )12. What will the woman do next?

A. She will go to a farmhouse for .

B. She will send Mike to hospital.

C. She will try to him walk.


( )13. What does St do?

A. A journalist. B. A student. C. A driver.

( )14. What foreign languages can St speak?

A. French and English.

B. English and Russian.

C. French and Russian.

( )15. Which country is not mentioned in the dialogue?

A. America. B. Australia. C. France.

C. 听短文(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)


( )16. What did Sue want to know in her last letter?

A. Soming about Amy’s town.

B. Soming about the food in Amy’s town.

C. Soming about interesting places in Amy’s town.

( )17. How many places did Amy talk about in her letter?

A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.

( )18. How far is it from the park to Amy’s house?

A. Quite far. B. Very near. C. An hour’s walk.

( )19. Where does Amy often do her homework?

A. At home. B. At school. C. At the library.

( )20. How is the food in Top Food Center?

A. Cheap and n.

B. Expensive but delicious.

C. Cheap but not so delicious.

D. 听填信息(共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)

Information Card about Treling to Hunan

Time to get to the airport (21) .

Things to take A all (22) ; some (23) ;

A thick (24) ; the (25) box.

Don’t need to take An MP3 player.

二﹑单项选择 (本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分)

( )26. the baby saw her mother, she laughed through her tears.

A. As soon as B. Why C. Where D. If

( )27. You can’t remember the words you learn them by heart.

A. unless B. if C. or D. less

( )28. But what could Lily do buying a new bike?

A. instead B. to instead C. instead of D. instead with

( )29. — What’s your brother like?

— He is .

A. a driver B. very tall C. my friend D. at school

( )30. The jacket was so that he decided to buy it.

A. much B. little C. expensive D. cheap

( )31. Our classroom is larger than theirs.

A. more B. quite C. very D. much

( )32. The earth is about as the moon.

A. as fifty time big B. fifty times as big

C. as big fifty times D. fifty as times big

( )33. Your room is mine.

A. tw as large than B. tw the size of

C. bigger tw than D. as tw large as

( )34. Your room is than mine.

A. three time big B. three times big

C. three times bigger D. bigger three times

( )35. My father is than his mother.

A. older four years B. as four years older

C. four years older D. four years bigger

( )36. This box is that one.

A. hey than B. so hey than C. heier as D. as hey as

( )37. When we speak to people, we should be .

A. as polite as sible B. as polite as sibly

C. as poliy as sible D. as poliy as sibly

( )38. This book is that one, but than that one.

C. as difficult as;more expensive D. more difficult as;as expensive

( )39. I think the story is not so as that one.

A. interesting B. interested

C. more interesting D. most interesting

( )40. His father began to work he was sn years old.

A. as old as B. as early as C. since D. while

( )41. At last he began to cry .

A. hard and hard B. more hard and more hard

C. harder and harder D. less hard and less harder

( )42. When spring comes, the days get and the nights get .

A. short;long B. long;short

C. longer;shorter D. shorter;longer

( )43. I look at the picture, I like it.

A. The best;the more B. The more;the less

C. The more;less D. More;the more

( )44. he read the novel, he got in it.

A. The more;the more interesting B. The less;the more interesting

C. The more;the more interested D. More;more interested

( )45. you come back, it will be.

A. The quicker;the best B. The sooner;the better

C. Faster;the better D. The sooner;better

三﹑完形填空 (本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分)


Mrs. Green has a busy job. She is very 46 after work ry day and wants to he a good sleep. But Mr. Green is a soccer fan (足球迷).He watches soccer on TV very 47 ry night, and sometimes he 48 at two o’clock. Mrs. Green asks him to sleep early, 49 he doesn’t 50 her. He loves soccer so much! These days, Mrs. Green felt very 51 .She decided to go to the 52 yesterday. Mr. Green went there with her. When Mrs. Green visited the doctor, Mr. Green had to 53 outside the doctor’s off. After a moment, Mrs. Green came 54 with some 55 in her hand. She said to Mr. Green, “I get two kinds of medicine from the doctor. One is for me and the other is for you. “For me?” Mr. Green was surprised.

( )46.A. tired B. gry C. sad D. hey

( )47. A. often B. loudly C. late D. hard

( )48. A. gets up B. goes to bed C. plays soccer D. cries

( )49. A. and B. but C. so D. then

( )50. A. see B. look at C. hear D. listen to

( )51. A. well B. weak C. happy D. hot

( )52. A. park B. market C. pool D. hospital

( )53. A. wait B. walk C. exercise D. eat

( )54. A. in B. back C. out D. /

( )55. A. fruit B. meat C. medicine D. water

四﹑阅读理解 (本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)


AIn Britain (英国) the weather nr gets too hot or too cold. There is not a great difference between summer and winter. Why is this?

Britain has a warm winter and a cold summer because it is an island country. In winter the sea is warmer than the land. The winds from the sea bring warm air to Britain. In summer, the sea is cooler than the land. The winds from the sea bring cool air to Britain.

The winds from the west blow over Britain all the year. They blow from the southwest across the Atlantic Ocean (大西洋).They are wet winds. They bring rain to Britain all the year. The west of Britain is wetter than the east. The east of Britain is drier than the west.

( )56. What is the weather like in Britain?

A. It’s too hot or too cold. B. It’s too hot.

C. It’s not too hot or too cold. D. It’s too cold.

( )57. When do the winds bring cool air to Britain?

A. In summer. B. In spring.

C. In autumn. D. In winter.

( )58. Why is the weather in summer and in winter nearly the same?

A. Because there is no difference between summer and winter in Britain.

B. Because there is sea air around this country.

C. Because there are winds from the high land.

D. Because there is much rain in the Atlantic Ocean.

( )59. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. There is more rain in the east than in the west.

B. There is a lot of rain in the east and in the west.

C. There is less rain in the east than in the west.

D. There is no rain in the east.

( )60. The passage ls us about the in Britain.

A. sea B. rain C. wind D. weather

BAlmost ryone in the world uses oil (石油) in some way. Without oil, the world will stop, so men look for it rywhere. Oilmen drill for oil in deserts, in mountains and under the sea. Quite often they find nothing, but their search for oil always goes on. Oil is very important because none of our machines can run without it. Big ships carry oil rywhere. Perhaps the oil in your father’s car comes from somewhere far away. Perhaps it comes from Iraq () or Venezuela (委内瑞拉). Cars need oil, and so do many other things. How many things can you name?

A. Many people use B. Hardly anyone uses

C. All people use D. Few people use

( )62. What does the underlined word “drill” mean in Chinese?

A. 练 B. 训练 C. 钻探 D. 研究

( )63. Oilmen sometimes find oil .

A. in deserts B. in mountains

C. under the sea D. All of the above.

( )64. The sentence “Big ships carry oil rywhere.” ls us .

A. oil comes from rywhere B. oil comes from big ships

C. oil is needed rywhere D. big ships need oil rywhere

( )65. Which of the following sentence is NOT true?

A. There is oil in deserts, mountains and under the sea.

B. Not all of our machines need oil.

C. Although oilmen don’t find oil quite often, they always go on searching for oil.

D. Maybe the oil in your father’s car has come from Iraq.


( )66. Mrs. Wang wants her son to take some swimming lessons during the summer vacation.

( )67. Maomao wants to buy some newss to read in order to improve his English.

( )68. Xingxing’s father is going to buy some English grammar books for him.

( )69. Mr. Green hopes that he can the people who lost their homes in the flood (洪水).

( )70. Mrs. Zhang wants someone to take care of her baby for three hours a day.

A. 21st Century

This is a news for English learners of all lls.

B. Yimei Children’s Activity Center

The singing, dancing and swimming lessons are great.Tel:8873?6566.Add:No.54 Baiyun Road.

C. Yigao Comr Selling Center

Different kinds of comrs on sale.Low prs and high quality.

D. Tianhe Book Center

There is an English learning book section where you can find all sorts of books about English.

E. Baby-sitting Serv Center


F. The Red Cross

Money and clothes are both accepted to the people in flooded areas.

G. Guangzhou’s biggest audio and video market

It’s located in (位于) 3rd Dashatou Road.

六﹑读写综合 (本大题分为A、B两部分,共20分)

A. 信息归纳 (共5小题,每小题1分,共5分)


Canada is a big country with a large area, but it has a all population. It lies in North America with ocean around it in three directions except in the south, where the United States is. The Great Lakes are between Canada and the United States. There are many lakes and islands in the coastal areas. Canadians care about the environment very much. The government and the people in Canada try their best to protect the environment. So in Canada, the air is fresh, the water is clean, and the sky is blue. Many tourists like to trel in Canada and live for some time to relax themselves.

The climate in Canada is different from area to area. It is wet in the west and east, but cold in the north and south. Canada is rich in natural resources, such as forests, fresh water, coal, oil, and so on. Farmland mainly lies in the south where farmers grow lots of corn and wheat. There are many big farms there. The farmers work hard so that the people in Canada can get enough good food for their daily life. Industry in this country is well dloped and the transportation is very convenient. Living surroundings in Canada are the best in the world. Canadians enjoy themselves and live a happy life.

Information Card

Natural resources in Canada (81) , fresh water, coal, oil, etc.

Where are many lakes and islands? (82) .

Where does the farmland mainly lie? (83) .

The climate in the north and south (84) .

The best in the world (85) .

B. 书面表达 (15分)


内容包括:1. 为什么要重视环保?

2. 保护环境的措施有哪些?(至少写出四点)

作文要求:1. 词数80个左右,短文的开头已给出,不计入总词数内。

2. 条理清晰,语句连贯。

Pollution is a very serious problem in the world.



1~5 BABAC 6~10 BACBC 11~15 CABCB 16~20 ABBCA

(21)8:20 a.m. (22)backpack (23)books (24)coat (25)medicine


26~30 AACBD 31~35 DBBCC 36~40 DACAB 41~45 CCBCB


46~50 ACBBD 51~55 BDACC

56~60 CABCD 61~65 ACDCB 66~70 BADFE


(71)to (72)long (73)called / named (74)wide (75)of (76)the (77)a

(78)fire (79)don’t (80)it

六﹑ 读写综合(本大题分为A、B两部分,共20分)



(82)In the coastal areas

(83)In the south

(84)It’s cold

(85)Living surroundings in Canada


Pollution is a very serious problem in the world.We can’t imagine how to live in the future without clean water or fresh air.We he only one earth,so we he to think about how to protect the environment.

In my opinion,factories mustn’t pour the waste water into rivers,lakes and so on.Drivers should stop driving cars for some time if they can.We should use wooden products less than before.Then many green trees can be sed.Besides protecting plants,we are suped to protect animals.We need each kind of animal.

Of course,the government must do soming about this.We want our beautiful world to be back.


1. 人教版八年级下册英语期末试卷及

2. 八年级下册英语Unit1试卷及

3. 新人教版八年级下册英语期末试卷及

4. 新教材完全考卷八年级英语下

5. 新课标英语八年级下册测试卷



1. You use milk to make cheese and you can drink it , too . 动词不定式短语to make cheese在这里作目的状语,修饰use milk

2. A part of your body beginning with “ a ” . → begin with 以……开始 (注意:with是介词)

3. The opite of short is long or tall .

4. The neck is between your head and your body . → between … and 在……和……之间

5. Carrots , onions and peppers are all vegetables . → all用于三者或三者以上;both用于两者。同时要注意它们在句中的位置,即位于连系动词(be),助动词(be , will , shall , should 等),情态动词(can , may , must , he to等)的后面;其它动词的前面。

6. I like reading books in my free time . like doing sth. 喜欢做某事 / in one’s free time 在空余时间

7. I feel terrible ,The climate in the west and east It is wet. doctor . 在这里feel是连系动词,terrible是形容词作表语,feel terrible是系表结构作复合谓语

8. I usually relax in my swimming pool .

9. I’m very excited to be taking a vacation around China ! → be excited to do sth. 做某事很激动

10. Who is more athletic , Gao Yan or Li Tong ?



由一个元音构成的音节:I /aI/“我”、oh / u/“哦”、a/eI, /“一个”、ear/I /“耳朵”等;

由一个元音加一个辅音构成的音节: bee/bi:/“蜜蜂”、ill /il/“生病”、my/mai/“我的”、see /si:/“看见”等;

由一个元音加几个辅音构成的音节:bed /bed/“床”、bag/b g/“袋子”、clock /kl k/等。


设计意图:创造轻松愉快的学习气氛, 激发学生的好奇心,为学习新课打下伏笔。


1.—What were u ding at eight last night? 昨晚8 点你在干什么?

1.ae sure 确信;确认

2.beat against... 拍打… …

3.fall asleep 进人梦乡;睡着

4.die dwn 逐渐变弱;逐渐消失

5.wae up 醒来

6.in a ess 一团糟

7.brea.. . apart 使……分离

8.in ties f difficult 在困难的时候

9.at the tie f 当.......时候

10.g ff (闹钟)发出响声

11.tae a ht shwer 洗热水澡

12.iss the bus 错过公交车

13.pic up 接电话

14.bring... tger 使……靠拢

15.in the area 在这个地区

16.iss the nt 错过这个

17.b the side f the rad 在路边

18.call the Anial Helpline 拨打动物保护热线

19.wal b 走路经过

20.ae ne’s wa t. 在某人去……的路上

21.hear the news 听到这个消息

22.iprtant nts in histr 历史上的

23.fr exaple 例如

25.ver 50 5 0多(岁)

26.a schl pupil 一个小学生

27.n the radi 通过广播

28.in silence 沉默;无声

29.re recentl 最近地;新近

30.the Wrld Trade Center 世贸中心

31.tae dwn 拆除;摧毁

32.he eaning t 对……有意义

33.reeber ding sth. 记得做过某事

34.at first 首先;最初

35.in the librar在图书馆

36.n the street在街上

37.at the bus stp在公交候车亭

38.wal he步行回家

39.be bus ding sth.忙于做某事

40.begin t rain heil开始下大雨

41.eat se war fd吃热食


43.car wash洗车处

44.right awa=at nce立即、马上

45.in bad shape变形

46.the night befre前一天夜里

47.l the truth说出真相

48.he truble ding sth.做某事有困难


— I was taing a shwer. 我在洗淋浴。

2.When it began t rain, Ben was ing his ae dinner.


3.—What was enn ding while Linda was sleeping?


—While Linda was sleeping, enn was ing Mar with her hewr.


4.I called again at eight and u didn’t answer then either.


5.While u were sleeping, I called enn and she ed e.


6.With n light, it felt lie idnight.


7.But it was hard t he fun with a serius str happening utside.


8.He fainll fell asleep when the wind was ding dwn at arund 3:00 a..


9.Althugh the str bre an things apart, it brught failies and neighbrs clser tghter.


10.When we gt t the place f the accident, the car was in bad shape fr hitting a tree.


11.When the schl basetball cpetitin started, ate was still aing her wa t schl.


12.Peple ften reeber what the were ding when the heard the news f iprtant nts in histr.


13.The reeber what the were ding when the heard the news.


14.I was s scared that I culd hardl thin clearl after that.


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