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团体运动比赛标语大全英语 团体运动比赛标语大全英语翻译


I c伬ame, I saw, I con俦quered.(我来了,我看到了,我征服了。)这只是字面上的意思,驺是凯撒大帝的名言。你可以上网搜一下。我觉得很有霸气,舍我其谁的感觉。

团体运动比赛标语大全英语 团体运动比赛标语大全英语翻译团体运动比赛标语大全英语 团体运动比赛标语大全英语翻译

团体运动鳝比赛标语大全英语 团体运动比赛标语大全英语翻译



i beli紬ev酬e you can do it !e on !!! it's nice to be important,but it's more important t雠o be nice. join it and 墀enjoy it!夿 start ahead nothing is impossible engineered

go all 饬out to do everything 全力以赴 for the love of sports 为运动 骤而战 sure wi螭n!we are the best one! we are the best!we 竑are the champio团体n! united we play,united we win with our support,

challenge out own,fly our dreams start here

hop畴elessly devoted to a cure! you'楱re the one that we wan藿t! practice winning ev荭eryday! no back can篪 run winner! work will win when wishing won't!咮 no tears,on啻ly sweat吜 achieve u!

winners never quit! just run for yourself! ready 搒for battle! good enough is never enough! the pride you gain is worth the pain! pain is inevitable, suffering is optional!

it's not the winning, it's the敕 takin 峁g apart our bark is not worse than our bite! 1、第26届深圳大运会口号 申办口号:shenzhen, embraces the world! 主题口号:sta坻 砺rt here m踌ake a difference 志愿者口号:i'm here. 2、1984—XX奥运会举办城市与口号 XX,温标语哥华(锕冬奥):w大全ith glowing hearts XX,北京:one world, one dream XX,都灵(冬奥):an ever burning flame XX,雅懤典: wele home XX胄,盐湖城(冬奥) light the fire within XX丒,悉尼:share the spirit. 1998,长野(冬奥):from around the world to flower as o偢殠ne 1996,魑亚特兰大:the celebration of the century 1992,巴塞罗那:friends forever 1988,汉城:harmony and progre1884,洛杉矶:牰play part in history 比赛3、历届亚运会举办城市与口号 XX, 16th, guangzhou, china, 广州:thrilling gam牰es, harm英语onious asian XX, 15th, doha, qatar, 多哈:the games of your life XX, 14th, busan, south korea, 釜山:new vision, new asia; one asia, global busan 1998, 13th, ban羴gkok, thailand, 曼谷:friendship beyo英语nd fro标语ntiers 1994, 12th, hiroshima, japan, 广岛:as梼ian harmony 19薨90, 11t胄h, beijing, china, 北京:unity, friendship, progre1st—10th, 前十届使用同一句口号:ever onward [戏谑链接:make a difference=英文缩略词mad,巧合!] (the end)

【团队英文口号】 团队合作英文口号

口号 网权威发布团队英文口号,更多团队英文口号相关信息请访问口号懤网。 【导语】口号作敕为运动意识的表现形式之一,是对当时、经济、文化的标语一种反映,不同性质的口号起着不同的作用。以下是大范文网整理的《团队英文口号》,一起来看看吧!

Algeria - Star and crescent with one goal: Victory! 阿尔及利亚:星月结合只为一个目标:夺取胜利!

Argentina - Last stop: Glory 阿根廷:一切只为后的荣誉

Australia— Dare to Dream, Advance Austral英语翻译ia 澳大利亚:敢于梦想,澳大利亚前进.

Brazil - The whole of Brazilis in here! 巴西:巴西全部的力量都在这里!

Cameroon - The Indomitable Lio竑ns are back 喀麦 瞓隆:雄狮回来了

Chile- Red is the 呪blood of my heart, Chile will be Champion 智利:我的心中流淌着红色的血液,智利将会是冠军.

Cote D"Ivoire - Elephants, let"s fight for victory! 科特迪瓦:非洲大象,让我们为胜利而战!

Den幚mark - All yo 侴u need is a Danish team and 怞a dream 丹麦:你需要的是团队和梦想.

England -黐 Playing with Pride and Glory 英格兰:为了骄傲和荣誉而战.

France - All together for a new dream 闳in blue 法国:团结起来,为了又一个蓝色梦想.

Germany - On the road畴 锕to 比赛get the Cup! 德篪国:我们在夺冠的路上

Ghana - The hope of Africa 加纳:非洲的希望

Greece - Greece is everywhere! 希腊:希腊无处藿不在

Honduras - One Country, One passion, 5 Stars in the heart 洪都拉斯:同一个,同一份,五星在我心中.

Italy - Italian Azzur驺ro on African sky 意大利:阿祖罗守护在非洲上空

Japan - The Samurai spirit never dies! Victory for Jap 侴an!懋 日本:武士精神永存!日本为胜利而战!

Korea DRP - 1966 again! Victory 呪for DPR of Korea! 朝鲜: 1966!胜利属于朝鲜!

Me砥xico - It is time for a new champi殠on! 墨鸠西菗哥:是时候出现新的冠军主人了!

Netherlands - Don"t fea啻r the big 锕five, fear the Orange elev镬en 荷兰:不要害怕传统五强,请害怕橙色 11 人.

New Zealand - Kickin" it Kiwi袤 style 新西兰:为新西兰而歌.

Nigeria 绉- Super Eagles super fan united we stand 尼日利亚:超级雄鹰,超级球迷,让我们团结起来.

Paraguay - The Guarani袤 lion闳 roars in South Africa! 巴拉圭:让瓜拉尼雄狮在南非怒吼!

Portugal - O蜯ne dream, one purpose… Po砥rtugalvictorious! 葡萄牙:一个梦想,一个目标,胜利属于葡萄牙!

Republic of Korea - The Shouts of Reds, United Republic of Korea 韩国:为红色呐喊,大韩.

Serbia - Play with the heart, lead with a ile! 塞尔维亚:用心去比赛,用微笑去领先.

Slovakia - Shake the green field: Go Slovakia!篪 斯洛伐克:震动绿色之地,斯洛伐克加 瞓油!

S绉lovenia -梼 With eleven晷 bre hearts to the 运动end 斯洛文尼亚:带着 11 人的勇敢之心战斗到后一刻

South Africa - One nation, proudly united under one rainbow 南魉非:一个在彩虹下的自豪之国

Spain - Hope is my road, victory my destiny 西班牙:希望是我们前进的道路,胜利早已命中注定.

Switzerland - Hopp Schwiiz! - "Hop Suisse!" - "英语翻译Forza 砺 Svizzera!" - "C"monSwitzerland!" 瑞士:瑞士棒!瑞士加油!瑞士来吧!

Uruguay -雠 The sun shines upon us. Go Uruguay! 乌拉圭:太阳将会指引我们前进,去吧乌拉圭!

USA 歯- Life,Li搒berty, and the Pursuit of Vic螭tory! 美国:生命,自由,追求胜利.



1. See my eye! we can fly! Let me ile!can we figh楱t!

2. Higher,faster, stronger

3. One.Two.three.go.go.go


5. Faith that justice 怞would prevail impelled us forward.

6. step on a long journey.

7. The winner 瘛is you !

8. We are pr炿oud of you!

9. You are the 籀be嗤st!

10. You 㤘are the 喌brest!Rush!

11. You can do it!

12. we will,we will,rock you.

13. Friendship f魉irst, competition second, race out of style, 媸match t篪he level.

14. unity and hard work, strivin峯g for success, leap dream, beyond the Liu Xiang.

15.he 3challenge themselves, to break thr大全ough the limit, hard wor团体k, the courage to open up.

16.偢 4show themselves, striving to be high, the O魍lympic spirit, always in my heart.

17. nine class踌 A, d俦ie another day, across the 英语翻译f俦ield, for I rule the roost.

18.class nine invincible, carry the world before one, amidst the winds of change, but my class nine.

19. The movement of infinite strength, contribu比赛te, tr砾a篪ck and field, take one's ease.

20. hard work ahead, alway夿s progress, bloo大全m of youth嚟, beyond the dre饬am.

21. physical fitness, determine鸱d to become a useful person, tenacious struggle, beyond the limit俦.

22. The we of passion, flying dream, youth, passion Unlimited.

23.the tenacious struggle, won the first, challenge themselves, to break through the limit.

24. 8hard work, the courage to open up, disciplined, solidarity and mutual respect.

25. 9out of style, stepped out of th敕e youth, class nine, m褫arch forward courageousl标语y.

26. the ultimate 酬nine class, the ext紬raordinary momentum, h魍orse saddle gold, 运动Yong crown land.

27. Friendship first!Competition second!

28. Challenge your own Fly your dream To be No.1!

29镬. Go for it! Your are the best

30. We are th豁e best!

31. W喌e are the champion!

32. run run run.

33. N比赛o retreat!No surrender!

34. I came I saw I conquered!

35. Do what i can do.

36. class one class one.

37. never sca镑red of anyone.

38. on today's sport day.

39. we will be the NO.1.

40. We are the best We are the wonder .

41.魑 Stand out , Now !

42. ca英语tch 鸱up with me if you can.

43. For every b 骤ody of today and tomor腌row.

44. pursue the be 雠st , inspire a class.

45. ins幚pire a generation.


1. See my eye! we can疝 fly! Let me ile!can we fig羴ht!

2. Higher,faster, stronger

3. One.Two.t㤘hr亜ee.go.go.g亜o


5. Faith that justice would prevail impelle瘛d us forward.

6. step on a long journey.

7. The 砾winner is you !

8. We are proud of you!

9. You are the best!

10. You are the brest!Rush!

11. You can do it!

12. we will,we will,rock you.

13. Friendship first, competition second, race out of style, match the level.

14. unity and hard work, striving for success, leap dream, beyond the Liu Xiang.

15.he 3challe大全nge themselves, to break through the limit, hard work, the courage to open up.

16. 4show themselv疝es, 锕strivi 媸ng to be high, the Olympi英语翻译c spirit, always in my heart.

17. nine class A, die another day, across t嚟he field, for I rule the roost.

18.class nine invincible, carry the world before one, amidst the winds of change, but my class nine.

19. The 丒movem 峁ent of infinite strength, contribut英语e, trac腌k and field, take one's ease团体.

20. hard work ahead, always progre晷ss, bloom of youth, beyond the dream.

21. physical fitness, determined to 鳝become a useful person, tenacious struggle, beyond the limit.

22. The w薨e of passion, flying dream, youth, passion Unlimited.

23.the tenacious struggle, won the first, challenge themselves, to break歯 through 伬the limit.

24. 8hard work, 菗the courage to open 镑up, d坻isciplined运动, solidari嗤ty and mutual respect.

25. 9o黐ut of style, stepped out of the youth, class nine, march forward courageously.

26. the ultimat 雠e nine class, the extraordinary momentum, horse saddle gold, Yong crown land.

27. Friendship first!Competition second!

28. Challenge your own荭 Fly your dream To be No.1!

29. Go for it! Your are the best

30. We are the be咮st!

31. We are the champion!

32. run run run.

33. No retreat!No s蜯urrender!

34. I团体 came I saw I conquered!

35. Do what i can do.

36. class one class one.

37. never scar吜ed籀 of anyone.

38. on today's sport day.

39. we will be the NO.1.

40. 敕 We are the best We are t炿he wo褫nder .峯

41. Stand out , Now !豁

42. catch up with me if you can.

43. For every body of today and tomorrow.

44. pursue the best , inspire a class.

45. inspire a generation.

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