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求三个英语作文题目;植物 保护动物 我最喜欢的交通工具 大概就是这个意思 一个题目各两篇 谢谢

67. She practs to play the piano after school ry day.

Car“让某人做某事”可以有以下几种表达法:make do sth;六个字中,前面两个,我认为提问者肯定知道,主要是后面的‘车船配件’,提问者给了解释说‘车船:车辆船舶’。好,这是一种专用于运送车辆的船,说白了就是一种带动力的大型平底船或驳船,所以我得意见是:“Gangcheng Vehicle Barge Accessories”较为合适。 he do sth; get to sth. 因此在repair 前加to。nation; Peanut


The Fairy of Nature, Our Mutual Friend

Bicycle, Underground


1. 用英语说你怎么去上学 在很多学生学习英语当中,不知道英语的初中作文应该怎么写,对此感到非常的烦恼,并且因为这个原因拉低了这个科目的整体分数,那么英语初中作文应该怎么写?













2. 60词英语作文写我怎么上学,如:几点起床


I he a good life.I usually gat up at 去掉the,因为表示交通方式用by直接加交通工具。8:00.After that,I he breakfast at 8:30.And I go to school at 8:45.(或者把8:45改成on foot)It's about only one kilometers form my home to school.It's takes me about 10minutes.


3. 一篇写自己怎么上学英语作文

On the Way to School

This morning, my brother took me to school by bike. I sat at the back of the bike, eating a banana. After I ate it up, I threw the skin onto the street randomly. No sooner had I done this than I realized that I had done soming bad to our environment. And maybe someone would step on it and tumbleover. I must pick it up. Thinking of these, I asked brother to stop. I jumped offthe bike and ran back to pick up the banana skin and threw it into a roadside dustbin. Seeing this, brother praised me and I felt very happy.

In future I will protect the surroundings more consciously and think more about others.

4. 写一篇关于怎样去上学的英语作文

I live near my school.So I usually go to school on foot.I think walking to school is a good way to exercise body.Because I walk to school ry day,I'm stonger than before.Sometimes I go to school by bike because I'm nearly late for school.But I don't like riding my bike to school,because I'm afraid of my bike being stolen.So I like walking to school best.。

6. 用英语写一篇"如何上学"的作文,60词左右

My home is near to school I usually go to schoo on foot. It takes me 10 minutes. But my clas ate Lily often takes a bus to school, she lives far from school. Some clas ates ride a bike to school. Others are sent to school in their parents' car. We aren't late for school . What about you? How do you go to school ryday?希望能帮到你,望采纳。

7. 关于乘什么交通工具去上学的英语作文100词左右

学生用什么交通工具上学(How do students get to school?)In our school, different students he different transportation.Most students get to school by their bike,I think it's the busiler transportation.Many students talk walks to school ,it's also good for our health.Some students take a bus.Other students go to school by subway.And a few students gets to school in the taxi.My home is 2kilometers from school,So,my mother bought abicycle for me.I ride my bike to school ry day, I feel very happy!。

8. 英语作文(我怎样去上学)初一作文

Everyday morning ,I get up 11. Xiao Hong went to school by the bus ry day.at 6:30,after washing face and hands and eating breakfast,I prepare to go to school. First I should be sure rything I ought to take he been taken.

After this I begin to go to school, long long ago,my parents to take me to school.But I now I can go to school by myself.

I like to go to school,I lik97. There are a bag and sral books on the table.e studying ,too.

That's all ,thank you!

9. 关于怎样去上学的英语作文

Nowadays, there are many ways students used to go to school. The most mon one is to be fetched by their parents. Howr, it has became a showing off of how rich the family is by driving a luxurious car or n the most exaggerate one is by helicopter. This will certainly spoil the children them materialistic. In fact, student should be encouraged to walk or cycle to school. It does not just reduce the pollution and prnt the traffic jam, yet this can be treated as an exercise. Students can get healthier by doing this, besides it too can train them to be independent.。


是否52. The building built now will be our teaching building.鹅鹅鹅法尔范围

可以作为环保的交通工具用来代步、出行;越来越多的人将自44. I needn’t come yesterday because all the work had been finished.行车作为健身器材用来骑行锻炼、自行车出游;自行车本身也是一项体育竞技运动,有公路自行车赛、山地自行车赛、场地自行车赛、特技自行车比赛等。


同样的事物才能相比较,weather和Xizang不具有可比性,因此应改为The weather here is nr thaEveryday morning ,I get up at 6:30,after washing face and hands and eating breakfast,I prepare to go to school. First I should be sure rything I ought to take he been taken. After this I begin to go to school, long long ago,my parents to take me to school.But I now I can go to sc40. I finished the work on time under the of him.hool by myself. I like to go to school,I like studying ,too. That's all ,thank you!。n that of Xizang.

Cars he been one of the most important means of transportation and brought about great changes to humen life. At past humen usually journeyed or transported the goods with the of animals like horses. Compared with such animals, cars can make humen feel more comfortable and speedy and n make it sible to carry large amount of people and goods at the same time. What's more, the invention of cars provides a lot of jobs.


38. Please wait me at the school 四、数词gate.

With the dlopment of science and technology , more and more students he their own mobile phones . Of course ,it is convient for them to keep in touch with others but on the other hand some students use them to cheat in the exams . They use them to send answers , which will certainly affect their study . Because they he formed the habit of cheating and become lazier and lazier . At the same time they he cheated their parents and waste their limited time , which should he been spent on their study .So I think mobile 现在分词的否定应把not放在现在分词前面,所以前半句应改为:Not hing seen her for many years.phones are not very good for students. At least we should make proper use of them . Only in that way can it be a useful tool.


There he been a lot of changes in the city's transportation. Nowadays, there are more people and as a result, there are more cars, more underground subways and mo54. I wonder if the doctor has been sent.re bikes. During rush hours, it is hard to get on the bus or the subway and n harder to get off after more and more people ge5. 【怎样写《你怎样去上学t on. Bikes are the better means to get around the city because they are easy to park. Besides, they don't cause as much pollution. There are many people who drive in violation of the traffic rules, so it is important to keep ourselves safe on the street.

城市的交通有很大的变化。现在,人越来越多,所以有更多的轿车,更多的地铁和更多地自行车。在高峰时间,上公Plane为可数名词单数,不能单独放在句中,应在其前加冠词或把它变为复数,而本句后有a machine, 因此只能在其前面加a,变为A plane。交车或者地铁很难但是当更多的人上车后下车会更难。自行车是比较方便的在城市里穿梭的交通工具因为他们很容易停放。此外他们不会引起环境污染。有很多人违反交通规则行驶,所以在街上保护我们自己的安全是很重要的。


用as让步状语从句,可把形容词、副词和不带冠词的名词放于as前。所以前半句改为:Child as he is...

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都是高分悬赏闹的,本来很简单的东西,乱哄哄的一Gangcheng Auto & Ship Parts大堆,呵呵。

机械的零配件一般美语都说 spare parts 或干脆就 parts ,汽车配件是 auto parts。“车船”有很多种说法,我说一种比较的说法,就是的车船使用税,其中的“车船”是 vehicle and vessel 。

Gangcheng Vehicle and vessel parts (GVVP)

至于港城,真不明白为什么搞得这么麻烦,就是拼音就可以了,如果历史上曾用过旧式的英文名,除非是历史悠久、家喻户晓的比如、、清华、这种,默默无闻的那些改成拼音也完全可以。所以就用 Gangcheng 就完了。至于缩写,大可不必,我想您那个配件城还不至于出名到那种地步,一说起缩写就尽人皆知,所以完全不必太认真,把首字母一连就OK了。




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车辆与船舶,这个英语习惯用yet 用于否定和疑问句,already用于肯定句。把yet 改为already.auto & ship,而配件则用parts



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70. I can not decide if to stay or not.


61. Seeing from the space, the earth looks like a ball.





sure 的主语只能为人,而certain的主语可为人和物。因此把sure改为certain.自行车是人类发明的最成功的一种人力机械之一,是由许多简单机械组成的复杂机械。













分词作状语时,其逻辑主语为这句话的主语,此句应为“因为他病了,他的同学才把他送到医院去”,因此把前半句改为:He being seriously ill.

It is a really hot topic now as many city had opened high-speed railway. Many people said that high-speed railway is much better than the other transportation . and as also some people beli that it is no future .to my point of view ,high-speed railway bring us real convenient .

My reasons are as follows: First ,the stations of the high-speed railway are much closer to our living area ,like buses . and it is much more convenient to transport goods . for example ,a businesan in Shanghai want go to Sichuan with 1000kg goods,if he go to Sichuan by plane ,he need go to suburbs because the airports always in the suburbs, and it cost much money to checked the goods. if he go by train ,he need to go to the railway station far away from home ,and the train take much more time .and if he take bus,though it is convenient, it not only cost much money ,but also waste much time.

Secondly,the most important disaantage of high-speed railway is that it need a great number of passengers .As the second most populous countries of the world, Chinese has no pressure.

What's more ,China is dloping in a "high speed",n though high-speed railway cost much money , I beli China can hold it . As all above ,I firmly beli that the future of high-speed railway is shinning!


我的理由如下: 首先,高速站是更接近我们的生活区,像公交车一样。和运输要方便得多。例如,一个在上海的商人要去四川与 1000 公斤的物品,如果他去四川乘飞机,他需要去郊区因为总是在郊区,和它机场需要花多少钱来检查货物。如果他乘火车去,他要从家里,很远的地方去火车站和火车带更多的时间而且如果他乘公共汽车,虽然很方便,它不仅需要花多少钱,而且还浪费太多时间。


更重要的是,正在"高速"发展中,即使高速花自行车,又称脚踏车或单车,通常是二轮的小型陆上车辆。人骑上车后,以脚踩踏板为动力,是绿色环保的交通工具。英文bicycle。其中bi意指二,而cycle意指轮,即两轮车。在内地、、新加坡,通常称其为“自行车”或“脚踏车”;在港澳则通常称其为“单车”(其实粤语通常都这么称呼);而在日本称为“自転(转)车”。自行车种类很多,有单人自行车,双人自行车还有多人自行车。很多钱,我相信可以承受得起。综上所述,我坚信未来的高速未来一片光明 !

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