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You're my spark of nature's fire,



You're my sweet complete desire.

Sunny, yesterday my life

was filled with rain.

Sunny, you iled at me

and really eased the pain.

The dark days are gone,

and the bright days are here,

My sunny one shines so sincere.

the sunshine bouquet.

the love you brought my way.

You ge to me your all and all.

Now i feel ten feet tall.

the facts from a to c.

My life was torn like

a windblown sand,

when you held my hand.

the ile upon your face.

Sunny, yesterday my life

was filled with rain.

Sunny, you iled at me

and really eased the pain.

The dark days are gone,

and the bright days are here,

My sunny one shines so sincere.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.



Sunny, yesterday my life

was filled with rain.

Sunny, you ithe truth you let me see.led at me

and really eased the pain.

TSunnyhe dark days are gone,

and the bright days are here,

My sunny one shines so sincere.

the sunshine bouquet.

the love you brought my way.

You ge to me your all and all.

Now i feel ten feet tall.

the facts from a to c.

My life was torn like

a windblown sand,

when you held my hand.

the ile upon your face.

Sunny, yesterday my life

was filled with rain.

Sunny, you iled at me

and really eased the pain.

The dark days are gone,

and the bright days are here,

My sunny one shines so sincere.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

求一首英文歌,里面一直在唱sunny sunny sunny来了句i want you

And the rock was formed

类型:单Sunny one so true, i love you.曲

:《Sunny》是boney M 于1976年演唱的一首歌曲,曾经作为《长江七号》的片尾曲和韩国电影(Sunny)的主题曲,电影《跳芭蕾舞的男孩》(我的爸爸巴雷什尼科夫)的插曲。


Sunny, thank you for

歌曲:Sunny(周星驰电影《长江七号》主题曲片尾曲) 歌手:Boney M 专辑:周星驰电影《长江七号》原声带 公司:星辉海外有限公司 语言:英语 时间:2008.1.31 介绍:在众多影迷的期待与关注下,周星驰作品《长江七号》即将在元月30日上映。1月24日晚,影片在欢乐谷举行首映庆典,周星驰携主演张雨绮、徐娇、黄蕾、姚文雪等出席。其中主题曲片尾曲选自于七、八十年代风靡一时的Disco乐队Boney M的“Sunny”。网搜音乐网MP3.WangSo.COM首播。 Sunny(周星驰电影《长江七号》主题曲片尾曲)歌词: Sunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain. Sunny, you iled at me and really eased the pain. The dark days are gone, and the bright days are here, My sunny one shines so sincere. Sunny one so true, i love you. Sunny, thank you for the sunshine bouquet. Sunny, thank you for the love you brought my way. You ge to me your all and all. Now i that shows its grace.feel ten feet tall. Sunny one so true, i love you. Sunny, thank you for the truth you let me see. Sunny, thank you for the facts from a to c. My life was torn like a windblown sand, And the rock was formed when you held my hand. Sunny one so true, i love you. Sunny Sunny, thank you for the ile upon your face. Sunny, thank you for the gleam that shows its grace. You're my spark of nature's fire, You're my sweet complete desire. Sunny one so true, i love you. Sunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain. Sunny, you iled at me and really eased the pain. The dark days are gone, and the bright days are here, My sunny one shines so sincere. Sunny one so true, i love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you.



《Sunny》,来自Boney M


Sunny, yesterday my life

was filled with rain.

Sunny, you iled at me

and really eased the pain.

The dark days are gone,

and the bright days are here,

My sunny one shines so sincere.

the sunshine bouquet.

the love you brought my way.

You ge to me ySunny, thank you for the gleamour all and all.

Now i feel ten feet tall.

the facts from a to c.

My lifeSunny one so true, i love you. was torn like

a windblown sand,

when you held my hand.

the ile upon your face.

Sunny, yesterday my life

was filled with rain.

Sunny, you iled at me

and really eased the pain.

The dark days are gone,

and the bright days are here,

My sunny one shines so sincere.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

I love you.

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