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Secondly, the brain science, combining exertion. A study time like shoulds not be too long, school arrangement, break Hugh in homework among rest. Learn how long, in accordance with the appropriate ry child, but must study section, the interval for 10-15 minutes. Rest also should adopt itive way, in the sports activities, such as slight a brisk walk, deep breathing, do a gymnastics, enlarge bosom movement, or listen to music and sing a song in two poem recitation, etc. Anyhow, the brain rest and relax, more oxygen gas. If the child cannot control themselves, alarm clock, parents can timely reminder.

The problem of spoiling children has been common these days. With the dlopment of economy and technology, the quality of life has become better and better. As a result, children today are experiencing more and more enjoyment. Their parents will give me unlimited allowance to satisfy them so as to encourage their children to study harder. Consequently. children are turning in to "little princesses" and "little princes" in today's society. This is definiy not the outcome we would love to see. Since children are going to be the future of our society, it is important to train them to dlop a sense of independence as well as responsiblity rather than laziness. Parents should realize the seriousness of this problem soon and start to take actions to rescue their children. Otherwise, our society will ntually move towards a direction that ryone doesn't want to face.












提取家长可以辅助孩子在课外进行英文阅读。提高孩子的阅读水平和英语学习能力。码: fs9j




1.坚持不懈,从不间断。每天至少看 10-15 分钟的英语,早晨和晚上是学英语的时间。

(Nr give up, keep working on. Speak English at least 10-15 minutes ry day. The best time to learn English is in the morning and the ning.)

(Different kinds of ways to learn English. One way is boring, you can use other ways, so that you won't feel bored.)


(Connect up to down, don't make it alone. According to the passage, remember the words and phrases, try to graspe the meanings of the words. )


(Remember useful expressions, and make sure it's right. Pract makes perfect.)


(Learn English in different ways. Read newss, listen to the radio , watch English movies, listen to English lectures, read textbooks and talk with each other ect.)


(Speak English as much as sible, don't be afraid of mistakes. Everyone can make mistakes, it is sible. Try your best to learn it well.)


(Set up situation, strength comunacation pract. Language can't lee away from the situation, you'd better do more practising and you can learn it well.)







Confidence is a success

Education is a famous say: let ry child to raise head to walk. "Head" means to oneself, to the future, and to things to do with confidence. Any one person, when he heads held high, striding forward, in his heart, there are many of his works, "I can do", "I can achi the goal", "I'll do well", "all setback for me nothing"... If ry student, he this attitude, can progress, become the good student all-round dlopment.

Howr, in fact, there are quite a number of children lack of confidence, lack of progress of courage, originally can he very motivation, also only six points or less. In the long run, it is difficult to cheer up, become a pall of inferiority. Not only will delay progress, and may n pessimi, behe n more badly, it is very horrible.

Why will appear this kind of phenomenon? This is the external and internal interaction results. From the external said, may be influenced by the negative evaluation too much, without the chance of success, poor situation, From the internal said, may be damaged, self-esteem, self-confidence, lack of self-control and decline. For example, a child in the class is not in the collective, no expression ability, teachers, parents, or in front of critici, accused by too much, n irony, sarca, or by some setbacks (as) after the test scores of guidance and will hurt the child's self-esteem, self-confidence. Then, the poor performance, and can cause new disdain, a vicious circle.

Anyone who respect and pride, children are no exception. While some respects, self-esteem, self-confidence, is the first psychologicaSecond, the importance of cultivating non-inlectual factors of childrenl motivation.

So how to cultivate children's self-confidence family?

Secondly, often encourage children to children. The success of any all, can enhance the person's confidence. A child, when he wrote a word, to do a problem, a red flag, wash a pair of socks, make a dish, a button, wipe a floor, he had the joy of achiment, can expect to do better next time. As a parent, child, let him to a bit of successful experience, and not how difficult things. This is both honeset and. In a little success in a minute.

In addition, cultivate children's self-confidence and teacher, make to children at the school also get the chance of success, encouragement and not disdain.

In real life, some students in school, had considered superior ince, but nothing after graduation. The fact proves, high ince can become not hidden in fact, the truth behind the talented person is: except for certain mental factors and social conditions outside, still depends on a number of non-int factors.

Generally thought that ince factors including six aspects: attention, memory, imagination, observation, SiWeiLi, creativity. Non-int factors, and no direct relationship to the emotion, will, interest, personality, need, motivation, objectives and ambitions, beliefs, outlook, etc. These non-ince factor in the growth process, the talented person hing the effect that cannot ignore. A high ll of ince, if he's non-inlective factor not well dloped, often without much success. Instead, one of the erage ince, if he's got a good dlopment non-int factors, can obtain success, make greater contribution. Psychologically speaking, emotion, will, interest, character, needs and goals, ambition, and inlectual dlopment outlook, etc, are the internal factors. Through the internal causes. A man of non-int factors he good dlopment not only s the full dlopment of ince, but also other aspects for the shortage. Conversely, if people lack will ease, and influence the dlopment of ince.

Third, from children to logical thinking ability of dlopment

Logical thinking ability is the key factor of ince. A person's mind ll, mainly through logical thinking ability. Family should he a correct understanding and education in the child process consciously measures, let children become arter.

Thinking is usually say, "thinking", "think", "think", is one of the brain's ability to process the objective reality. SiWeiLi, is a person of thinking ability. Thinking ll, reflect a person's ince activity ll. It is shown from the different aspects:

Independence: SiWeiLi strong person, must be adept at independent thinking. In the study, meet difficulties in life can be independent thinking, looking for answers. Even if he ask others to access rmation, also is the premise of independent thinking.

Flexibility and agility: SiWeiLi strong man, quick and flexible to always melon, hidebound, can compare quickly, solve the problem.

Logic: strong, want to SiWeiLi closely and scientific problems, not forced ogy, don't fragmented, conclusions he sufficient reason, clear evidence that context.

Comprehensiveness: SiWeiLi strong, see a problem, can not one-sided view from different angles, the whole thing.

Creative SiWeiLi: strong, can put forward the creative ideas for questions, others thought, he can think.

Cultivate the habit of independent thinking. Young children encounter difficulty, always hope that parents give him the answer. They really put some parents l their children, and then answer the question solution, but in the long run, no benefit for child ince dlopment. For parents, children often do parents must rely on the answer, but not yourself to find the answers, and not likely to dlop the habit of independent thinking.

Parents of children, facing the brillant, told the children to find a mod. Also is a problem should inspire children, how to think, to use his ysis, how to learn the knowledge and experience, how to read, how to check reference material, etc. When your child, he will get the answer with achiment, thinking ability raise and produce new power.

The question remains, is thinking, the brain problems often face active. When children love to carry all sorts of problems with your child, parents should discuss these problems, and explain the parents of children itive influence. Especially parents don't understand of ask others, and access to rmation, thought, this process is a complete answer can improve the ability of thinking. Two years later, some children don't ask questions, parents should be offered some problems are discussed, including some knotty problem family. Sometimes, parents should be put down to the boy ask some shelf, they don't understand the problem of dlopment, these practs, are good children thinking.

In the child's life, the study on family life, often appear all sorts of problems to solve. Parents should guide their children and toger with your child to discuss, design solutions of problems, and put into pract. In this process, the needs ysis and induction, need to imagine, reasoning, and to solve the mod and procedure idea. To improve the ability of thinking and the ability to solve practical problems.

Four children are good at learning, the church

With such a law: the best student learning is the most dit, more often than not, in other words, n if your child to study hard, also can become the most outstanding student, why? Here is a good learning problems.

At present, in the primary and middle school students study fatigue is more widespread phenomenon. Students learn in continuous learning is tired after a physiological, psychological condition, its performance is: the brain unresponsive, pain, numbness or head distraction, stagnant, emotional upset or thinking, interested at nothing.

Good at learning is to overcome the study of fatigue, improve the learning efficiency.

Thirdly, the change of rigid study mods, cultivate good habits of study. Some children learn by rote, only know, no serious difficulty brains. Learning without YiDingZhiGui hectic, busy. A study for a long time, more than mental limit. Often, the efficiency is not high, dawdle too long, lack of sleep, the brain is not sufficient rest. Results could backfire.

Fourth, cultivating students' interest. A branch of a few families or are not interested in learning, not listening to lectures, homework, but also must not do homework to do, crustily skin of head, both physical and mental fatigue more cause fatigue. No pleasure in learning.

Fifth, strengthen cerebral nutrition. Mental activity is aanced neural activity, must assure nutrition, protein, Business before pleasure. 先工作,后娱乐./干完正事再玩儿.vitamins, sufficient oxygen is indispensable. Even eat high protein, on the table for too long a time, shortness of breath, oxygen supply, also can make the brain fatigue.







三、 课后作业,归纳整理



Patience is a virtue. 忍耐是一种美德.

We must first respect children's personality. Respect personality is regardless of time, place, regardless of is more aantages than shortcomings or. If a parent in children he grade respect him, when problems arise not respect him, arbitrary, it has done wrong. Parents might think mod with psychological transition, oneself he shortcomings and errors, hope others how to treat themselves. Children are eager to be respected, first by parents and teachers with respect. Respect your child, cannot to degrading, wound self-respect. "For you", "you hopeless," "your brain is pig brains", "I was disappointed in you compley," "your this virtue, you shouldn't", "you are my face lost"... These words from the parents should be in the language.

No sweet without sweat. 幸福来自汗水.

Other times,other manners. 隔代不同礼.

True love nr grows old. 真正的爱衰老.


(Try to Remember idioms and setences with the first calling, make sure to remember deeply.)

. forms: just to support, no matter what to teach. To allow someone to continue withoutchildren, requirements, to the child's performance in school it, parents will not participate in the performance of children, not to praise, not critici of poor performance, emphasizing thebusy work, a lot of things, no time to tube. Some were hoping, to work in the morning, the child is not up; work in the ning, the children he to sleep, both ends meet. Double cease daybusy business, but also to attend to the child. The teacher family visit, said: "I'm really busy,the children you me pipe on the line." Especially some "left-behind children", parents areworking outside, children at home, asked others to take, or give a escrow, a generationbecause the old and infirm, can't teach children, don't care the child. The education of their children into the blind area. Some parents, in order to se trouble, very all to take the child to a full boarding kindergarten, and then to the full boarding primary school, secondary school. Children he long left the family, from parents, lack of affection of moisture, easy to he psychological disorders and personality deficiencies.

四、 充分利用有效资源



按照传统观念,家庭教育是在家庭生活中,由家长(其中首先是父母)对其子女实施的教育。而按照现代观念,家庭教育既包括:一、生活中家庭成员(包括父母和子女等)之间相互的影响和教育;二、聘请专门从事家庭教育的教师对子女的教育。家庭教育的对应英语是home education, family education, teaching in home。家庭教育简称家教。












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