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#911245 苏教版三年级上册英语教案篇1

【教学内容】 A Let\s learn

【教学重点】单词:father (dad), mother (mom), grandfather(grandpa), grandmother (grandma), man, woman



1.有关家庭成员的图片 2.单词卡3.教材相配套的教学录音带。


一 热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)

1.教师让学生拿着自己的家庭照,通过实物投影展示给大家,并指着其中的人物做介绍:He’s my father. She’s my mother.

2. 让学生两人一组面对面站着,举起自己的家人照片做问答练习:Who’s that man? Who’s that woman?

二 呈现新课 (presentation)

1.教师出示Chen Jie的图片问学生:Who’s this girl?让学生回答:She’s Chen Jie.并把图片贴到黑板上。

2.教师分别出示father, mother的图片,问学生:Who’s that man (woman)?学生说出:He’s Chen Jie’s father(dad). She’s Chen Jie’s mother (mom).并把图片贴到黑板上。

3.出示单词卡,让学生认读father, dad, mother, mom, man, woman, 让学生把这些单词卡贴到黑板上相应的图片下。

4.教师:There are 4 people in Chen Jie’s family, too. Do you know who are they?可先让学生猜,再出示图片教读单词:grandfather (grandpa), grandmother(grandma), brother, sister, 并把图片贴到黑板上,形成family tree.注:教师向学生说明grandpa, grandma多用于口语中。brother, sister不是本课内容,稍带即可。

5.教师出示单词卡,让学生先试着把单词garandfather (grandpa), grandmother(grandma), brother, sister贴到相应的图片下,再教读单词。

6.让学生看黑板。教师:This is a family tree. How many people in Chen Jie’s family? Who are they?

7.播放Let’s learn A部分的视频,学生边观看边跟读。再让学生扮演Chen Jie介绍自己的家庭成员:This is my family. He’s my… She’s my…

8.让学生拿着自己的家庭照片向大家介绍自己的家庭成员。当学生介绍到父母时,教师可问:Do you love your father and mother? I love my father and mother. What about you?

9.播放歌曲“Father and mother”的视频文件,学生反复学唱。


三 趣味操练 (practice)

1.Listen and show教师说:Show me the picture of your mom.学生立刻高举Mom的照片说:She’s my mom.举错的退出游戏。

2.Listen and choose教师请一名学生读出黑板上的单词,另一个学生要根据所听到的从黑板上拿下该单词卡,直到黑板上只剩下图片为止。

3.Make a family tree以小组为单位,让学生看着黑板上的图片位置,用自己的单词卡在图画纸上粘贴family tree.

四 扩展性活动(Add-activities)

出示Let’s learn(A)部分的课件,向学生展示。请学生上台操作动画,问:Who’s this/that man/woman? 其余学生回答。答出来的学生应及时给予奖励。

#911244 苏教版三年级上册英语教案篇2

My school bag


1. 能听懂、会说单词a tape, a pencil sharpener, a knife, a crayon

2. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语What’s this/that in/on the…? What’s this/that in English? It’s … Come here. 并获得运用所学语言进行交际的能力。要求读音正确,语调自然。

重点难点:能正确理解运用介词in 和on。

教 学 过 程




T: (PPT 1 显示课题) Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you.

T: 同学们你们好,我是你们的新朋友,My name is May. 我的名字是May。今天由我来和你们一起学习三年级第一单元Unit 1 My school bag,现在我们就开始吧!

T: 首先我们来玩一个游戏复习已经学过的单词和句子。请你看老师出示的图片,猜一猜它们都是些什么呢?(PPT 2)然后回答老师的问题What’s this?和What’s that? 你可以怎么回答呢?对了,你可以回答It’s a/an… 记住了吗?好,我们开始吧!(PPT 显示图片剪影×4,教师带领学生问答)

T: OK! Good! 你们回答的真好!现在老师要把几样东西分别放到不同的地方,请你仔细看好回答老师的问题 (PPT 3显示图片,若干物品分别放在桌子上椅子上盒子里面和上面。)

T: Look! What’s that on/in the …? (PPT 3点击显现物品)

Yes. It’s a/an … (教授单词tape)

T:同学们,刚才老师是怎么样用英语来问在某处的某样东西是什么的呢?你还记得吗?对了,老师是在原来我们学过的句子后面加上了物品所在的位置。例如What’s this on the desk?是想问在桌子上的这个是什么。请你也来读一读.(带读) 再例如What’s that on the …? 是想问… 请你也来读一读。

T:在这里老师还想提醒大家介词in 和on的区别,(PPT4显示帮助解释) in 表示在……里面,例如What’s this in the box? 盒子里面的是什么?而on 表示在……上面,例如What’s this on the box? 盒子上面的是什么?好,现在你都懂了吗?老师来考考你。(拿铅笔盒和一只铅笔,分别放在里面和上面,带领学生问和答,进一步解释说明)

(本步骤设计说明:教师首先通过游戏带领学生复习旧知并过渡到新句子的学习,这样的层次有助于学生自然接受新知识。同时通过讲解和教授,帮助学生理解,体会in 和on这两个介词的区别,突破重点难点。)



1 T: Now boys and girls, let’s look at these boy and girl. Who are they? 同学们,现在我们来看看这两位小朋友,他们是谁呢? (PPT5显示Yang Ling 和Wang Bing) Yes, they’re Yang Ling and Wang Bing. Yang Ling is in Wang Bing’s house today. 今天杨玲在王兵的家里,他们在说什么呢?我们一起来看一看吧!(播放课文动画)

2.T: 好,现在你知道他们在谈论什么了吗?对了,他们在谈论王兵的文具呢!那么他们谈论了哪几样文具呢?请你听课文对话,把他们谈论到的文具选出来。(PPT 6显示待选文具和听力要求)(播放课文录音)

3.T: OK. 他们到底谈论了哪几样文具呢?请你和同学讨论讨论。

T: 好,我们一起来看看正确答案。他们谈论了这四样文具,你会用英语说一说这些文具吗?首先我们来看What’s this in English? Yes, it’s a tape. And what’s this in English? It’s a pencil sharpener. 很好。这个呢?What’s this in English?这个用英语怎么说呢?Yes, it’s a knife. (教授带读knife) 后What’s this in English? Yes, it’s a crayon. (教授带读crayon)

4. T: 同学们现在你知道怎样询问某样物品用英语怎么说了吗? 我们可以问:What’s this/that in English? in English是用英语表示的意思。(带读词组和句子) 现在就请你看着这几样文具用What’s this/that in English? It’s a/an …来问答。首先请你来看看以下两位同学是怎样对话的吧!


5. T: 好了,现在我们来跟随杨玲和王兵一起来说一说。请听课文动画跟读。


6. T: Very good! 现在你能来自己读一读课文吗?

7. T: 同学们,现在请你来当杨玲,跟电脑上的王兵来对对话。

8.T: 好,现在请和一位同学搭档表演课文。首先请你来看看这两位同学的表演吧!(学生演示表演课文)

(本步骤设计说明:本部分教师直接引出课文中的两个人物,让学生通过看初步感知课文,在通过听理解课文内容,从待选物品中选出他们所谈论到的文具并进行新单词和句型的教授,此部分的重点应转移到句型What’s this/that in English?这个问句上。在此基础上再让学生跟读学习课文,在充分的读和理解的基础上进行课文表演。)


用时: 5分钟

1. T: 今天我们学习了两种新的提问方式,(PPT小结)一种是询问在某处的某样物品是什么,我们可以问:What’s this/that on/in…? 这里我们不但要注意物品的远近,还要注意物品的位置,如果物品离我们比较近,我们应该用代词this;如果比较远,应该用代词that;如果物品是在某样东西的上面,我们应该用介词on;如果物品是在某样东西的里面,我们应该用介词in。另一种提问的方式是询问某样物品用英语怎样表达,我们可以问:What’s this/that in English? 而这两种提问方式都可以用It’s a/an …来回答。你都明白了吗?好,现在我们就用今天所学的内容来编对话进行表演。(提供四个场景,让学生4选1进行表演)

2. T: 首先请你们来看看这几位同学所编的对话吧,说不定会对你有所启发哦!(学生演示表演编对话)


T: 本节课中我们一起跟随杨玲和王兵学习了如何询问在某处的某些物品是什么,还学会了询问某样物品用英语怎样表达,希望你在课后认真复习课文,我们下节课再见。Bye!

#911246 苏教版三年级上册英语教案篇3


1. 知识目标

(1)能听说认读“四会”单词“cat, dog, duck, monkey, rabbit, cat, panda”。


2. 能力目标



3. 情感态度目标





“ 四会”单词的正确发音与在实际生活中的运用。




Step 1: Warm-up

a. Sing a song: "Teddy Bear" 设计意图:课前唱英文歌曲,教师和学生一起演唱并配上相应的动作,用表情、动作、眼神和学生交流,使学生情绪兴奋,快速进入“角色”,全身心地准备学习的开始。

b. Free talk. 设计意图:师生间的日常会话交流,培养学生用英语思维,用英语交际的能力。

c. Today we are going to learn some new words. Look, here comes a train(教师手拿一列小火车介绍).

There are some numbers on it(手势指向各小组)。

Number 1 is for group 1; Number 2 is for group 2; Number 3 is for group 3; Number 4 is for group

4.(教师拿出一面小红旗)If you do very well, you can get a red flag for your group. Let's see which group is the best. OK?(教师以手势鼓动学生回答:OK.)


Step 2: Presentation (课件展示动物园情景图)

T: Boys and girls, today we he some animal friends. They are from England. Do you want to know them?

Ss: Yes. T: Remember. You should say English to them because they are from England. Look, they are coming.


S: Hello, I'm Rabbit.

T: Oh, this is Miss Rabbit(注意吐词清晰,重读强调)。

Let's welcome her.(鼓掌)

Ss: (鼓掌)Welcome, Rabbit.

T: Let's make a friend with Rabbit.

S1: Hello, Rabbit.

S2: Nice to meet you, Rabbit.

S3: Hi, Rabbit.

… T: Look, Mr. dog is coming.

(Teacher uses the same way to teach other words.)


Step 3: Practise


T: Boys and girls, our new friends are very happy, so they are hing a party in our classroom. Let's see who will come to our party? Who will be the first one?


2. 听音辩物:课件播发各种动物的声音,学生通过声音来判断,并说出动物的名称。


3.A game: What's missing?(火眼金睛)



4. A play: 小白兔,拔萝卜


T: “It's a nice day. The rabbit goes out .(看到萝卜模型)

Wow, what a big turnip!Oh, it's so big! I like it.”(并做拔萝卜状)

“one, two, three... Oh, no! Who can help me?”教师学生说:“Dog, dog, help me!”(戴小狗头饰的同学“汪汪”地上台,搭着兔子的肩说) “One, two, three... Oh, no!。。.”



Step 4: Extension/Consolidation

1. Let's do.

a. Play the tape. Ss just listen, and point the sentence in the book.

b. Play the tape again and Ss repeat and do the action.

c. Teacher gives some commands and Ss do the actions.

T: Act like a monkey, act like...


2. Play a game: 幸运搭档



Step 5: Assesent

T: Today we he learned some new words. We know names of many cute animals. We can make good friends with them. Now let's see which group is the best. Let's count the red flags together.

T, Ss: One two three...


T: I think in this class you did a very good job. Let's give him a big hand.(鼓掌)


T: Let's say goodbye to our new friends. Ss: Goodbye, monkey. Goodbye, duck...


#911247 苏教版三年级上册英语教案篇4


1.能听懂特殊疑问句What is this?并能根据情况用It is a...回答。

2. 能使用特殊疑问句What is this?向他人询问和确认某件物品,语音语调正确。

3. 能听懂,会说duck, cow, pig, dog, cat的单数形式,发音准确。


1. 能听懂特殊疑问句What is this?并能根据情况用It is a...回答。

2. 能使用特殊疑问句What is this?向他人询问和确认某件物品,语音语调正确。



1. Sing a song


2. Read the words one by one.

3. Each group introduces aname of animal themselves.



1. Ask and answer.

T: Do you like animals? What is this?

Ss: It’s a dog.

T: Now we are on a farm. Theclass is a farm.

Ss: Ok.

T: Let’s listen to the tape.

T: Now read after teacher:What’s this?


Ss: Read one by one.

T: What’s this? (师出示动物图片,提问。)

Ss: It’s acow/dog/pig/cat/duck.

2. A riddle: It’s an animal.It’s big. It has a big nose and big ears. It has all eyes.What is it?

3. Draw a pig on theblackboard.



1. T: Today we’ll he acompetition: who’ll be the best of animals? The commentator should describe theanimals.


2. T: Look at the cow! Bigor all?

Ss: It’s big.

T: Look, what’s this?

S: It’s a duck.

T: What’s this?

S: It’s a dog.



1、听读B. Look and learn各五遍,家长签名。

2、跟读C. Say a rhyme三遍。


第一章:证明(二)1.你能证明它们吗 2.直角三角形 3.线段的垂直平分线 4.角平分线第二章:一元一次方程:1.花边有多宽 2.配方法 3.公式法 4.分解因式法 5.为什么是0.618 第三章:证明(三)1.平行四边形 2.特殊平行四边形第四章:视图与投影1.视图 2.太阳光与影子 3.灯光与影子第五章:反比例函数1.反比例函数 2.反比例函数的图形与性质 3.反比例函数的应用第六章:频率与概率1.频率与概率 2.投针试验 3.生日相同的概率 4.池塘里有多少条鱼





a bag 一个包 a tape 一个修正带 a book 一本书 crayon 蜡笔 storybook 故事书 copybook 抄写本 toy train 玩具火车 stapler 订书机 knife 小刀

Unit 2 Yes or no

a key 一把钥匙 a clock 一只钟 a watch 一块手表 computer 电脑 radio 收音机 camera 照相机

Unit 3 Family members(家庭成员)

a boy 一个男孩 a girl 一个女孩 a man 一个男人(人) grandfather 祖父,外祖父 grandmother祖母外祖母 father爸爸 mother 妈妈 aunt 阿姨,姑姑 uncle姨夫,姑父 brother 哥哥,弟 sister 姐姐,妹妹 son 儿子 daughter 女儿

Unit4 Time(时间)

one 1 two 2 three 3 four 4 five 5 six 6 seven 7 eight 8 nine 9 ten 10 eleven 11 twelve 12 thir 13 four 14 fif 15 six 16 seven 17 eigh 18 nine 19 twenty 20

Unit 5 Plus and minus

a car 一辆轿车 a bus 一辆公共汽车 a bike 一辆自行车 thir four fif six seven eigh nine twenty

Unit 7 Where?(在哪儿?)

a bed 一张床 a desk 一张书桌 a chair 一张椅子 dining-room 餐厅 bedroom 卧室 study 书房 kitchen 厨房 bathroom 盥洗室 sitting-room 客厅

Unit 8 I’m hungry(我饿了。)

a cake 一块蛋糕 a pie 一块馅饼 a hot dog 一个热狗 hot dog 热狗 sandwich 三明治 some bread 一面包 some rice 一些米 soft drinks 软饮料 a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力 pie 馅饼 a carton of milk 一盒牛奶

Unit 9 Shopping(购物)

a cap 一顶鸭舌帽 a hat 一顶礼帽 a vest 一件背心 hat 帽子 vest 背心 tie 领带 cap 帽子 socks 袜子 trousers 裤子 belt 皮带 shoes 鞋子



听力部分 40%


1. ( ) A. plant B. branches C. branch

2. ( ) A. tall B. ball C. door

3. ( ) A. cow B. trunk C. black

4. ( ) A. he B. me C. she

5. ( ) A. kite B. cat C. cut

6. ( ) A. Miss B. Mr C. Mrs

7. ( ) A. beautiful B. fly C. ladybird

8. ( ) A. 4132 B. 4231 C. 4312

9. ( ) A. peach B. banana C. orange

10.( ) A. red B. yellow C. balloon


1.( ) A. I can see a ladybird.

B. I can see a butterfly.

C. I can see a bird.

2.( ) A. It has roots.

B. It has lees.

C. It has branches.

3.( ) A. My nose is all.

B. My mouth is all.

C. My ears are all.

4.( ) A. What’s this?

B. What’s that?

C. What’s it?

5.( ) A. How many chicks?

B. How many dogs?

C. How many pigs?


( )1. A. It’s blue. B. It’s a hall. C. It’s big.

( )2. A. He’s my father. B. She’s my sister. C. She’s my mother.

( )3. A. It’s yellow. B. It is a yellow bird. C. They’re yellow.

( )4. A. Ten. B. Ten yuan. C. Ten, please.

( )5. A. No. B. Yes. C. May I he some apples?


( ) 1. It’s rainy.

( ) 2. The boat is white and blue.

( ) 3. The ball is yellow.

( ) 4. The kite is orange and green.

( ) 5. They see many flowers.


--- is it ?

--- It’s a . Look, it’s orange and _________.

---Yes, it’s , and it can _________ too .



look what are they they’re pigs


1. ( ) __________ are you? I’m ten.

A. How many B. How old C. How much

2. ( ) ______ at the bird, please.

A. Look B. Look at C. Clean

3. ( ) The big tree has _________ .

A. root B. roots C. a root

4. ( ) _______ is the toilet? It’s here.

A. What B. Who C. Where

5. ( ) Look at the insect. It is an ________.

A. ladybird B. ant C. bee

6. ( ) What are they? They are ______.

A. branch B. branchs C. branches

7. ( ) Count the ________. How many? One _______.

A. duck…duck B. pigs…pig C. chicks…chicks

8. ( ) -Is this the hall? -______________.

A. No, it’s the library B. No, it’s the hall C. Yes, it’s the toilet

9. ( ) I can see _______ insect. It’s a bee.

A. a B. an C. the

10.( ) The boy _____ in the library.

A. is B. am C. are


at buy orange Clean long bananas That leaf my has

1. An ______, please.

2. Look _______ the bird. It’s all.

3. ________ ladybird is beautiful.

4. _______ the table, please.

5. The plant ________ a flower.

6. I’m an elephant. My nose is _______.

7. May I he some _________?

8. This is pencil.

9. I can see a _________ on the plant.

10. They _________ a toy. It’s a ball.


1. They are chicks. (对划线部分提问)

What _______ _______?

2. Is this a playground? (肯定句)

________ ________ a playground.

3. This is a bee. (对划线部分提问)

_______ ________ ?

4. Is that our classroom? (否定回答)

_______,________ isn’t.

5. It is black and red. (对划线部分提问)

________ _______ is it?

五.完成对话,一格一词: 5%

-- Good morning. Can I help you?

-- May I ________ some __________, please?

-- How _________ peaches?

-- __________ peaches. How ________?

--Ten yuan.

六. 问答句配对: 5%

( ) 1. Thank you. A. No, it isn’t.

( ) 2. What colour is the butterfly? B. No, I don’t. I like bees.

( ) 3. May I he a ball, Mum? C. You’re welcome.

( ) 4. Is this a butterfly? D. It’s red and purple.

( ) 5. Do you like butterflies? E. Sure.

七.阅读:10% (一)

Read and judge (阅读短文,判断句子,用T表示相符,F表示不相符) 5%

Hello, I am Tom. I am a boy. I am nine. I am fat. I can run, but I can’t run fast. I like meat and sweets. This is my little sister, Mary. She is five. She is thin. She can sing and dance. She can draw dogs, too. This is my mother. She’s big and tall. She is a good teacher.

( ) 1. Tom is two.

( ) 2. Tom is thin.

( ) 3. Mary can draw cats.

( ) 4. Tom is Mary’s brother.

( ) 5. Mother is all and short.


Read and choose.(阅读短文,选择恰当的答案,将序号填入括号内)5%

Today is a sunny day. I’m in the garden. It is nice. Look, the bees are flying in the sky. Look at the lees. They’re brown. I can see a purple and blue butterfly on the flower. The butterfly likes dancing. It can dance on the flower. I hear a bird singing in the tree. I am happy. I like the garden.

1. ( ) It’s a _____ day.

A. sunny B. sun C. shine

2. ( ) I am in the __________.

A. park B. garden C. tree

3. ( ) The lees are _______.

A. green B. brown C. yellow

4. ( ) The butterfly is________.

A. purple B. blue C. purple and blue

5. ( ) The bird is ______ in the tree.

A. flying B. singing C. dancing

八.以“A plant”为题写作,介绍你喜欢的一种植物,不少于5句话:5%








一.选出你所听到的单词:10% 每小题听两遍

1. branches 2. tall 3. cow 4. she

4. kite 6. Mr 7. beautiful 8. 4312

9. banana 10. red

(B A A C A B A C B A)

二. 选出你所听到的句子:5%每小题听两遍

1. I can see a ladybird.

2. It has lees.

3. My mouth is all.

4. What’s this?

5. How many pigs?

( A B B A C)

三.选出正确的应答句:10% 每小题听三遍

1. What’s that?

2. Who is he?

3. What colour is the bird?

4. How much?

5. Can I help you?

(B A A B C)



It is sunny. Kitty, Ben and Danny are in the park. They see a boat. It’s red and blue. They see a ball. The ball is yellow. They he some balloons. They are nice. There is a kite. It’s orange and brown. There are many flowers. They like the park.

(F F T F T)

五.听短文填空(每格一词):5% 听三遍

--- What is it ?

--- It’s a butterfly . Look, it’s orange and black .

---Yes, it’s nice , and it can fly too .



Look! What are they?(或者Look, what are they?)They’re pigs.




1. orange 2. at 3.That 4. Clean 5. has

6. long 7. bananas 8. my 9. leaf 10. buy


1. What are they?

2. This is a playground.

3. What’s this?

4. No, it isn’t.

5. What colour is it?

五.完成对话,一格一词: 5%

-- Good morning. Can I help you?

-- May I __he__ some peaches, please?

-- How many peaches?

-- Two/Three…. peaches. How much?

--Ten yuan.

六. 问答句配对: 5%



Read and judge (阅读短文,判断句子,用T表示相符,F表示不相符)


Read and judge.(阅读短文,选择恰当的答案,将序号填入括号内)


八.以“A plant”为题写作,介绍你喜欢的一种植物,不少于5句话:5%

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