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2、语出元 高文秀 《渑池会》第三折:“因主公设此一会,要修两国之好,因此俺主公则领小官相如跟随前来也。


4、 跟随英语说法1:follow跟随英语说法2:go after 跟随的相关短语:跟随你的心 Follow Your Heart ; Follow you heart and nothing else跟随运动 pursuit movement ; acpany movement ; following motion跟随命令 Following orders ; follow the orders ; THE FOLLOW ORDERS跟随电路 follower circuit跟随我心 follow my heart ; Read my heart跟随耶稣 FOLLOW JESUS ; Following Jesus ; Where He Leads Me跟随心声 Dil Jo Bhi Kahey跟随行为 following behavior自动跟随 follow name ; automatic following ; auto-tracking ; Auto-tracking 跟随的英语例句:1. He says he walks inside the prison without guards, unarmed.他说他走进那座监狱时没有警卫跟随,也未携带武器。

5、2. His mother would natter to anyone.他妈妈跟随便哪个人都会说个不停。

6、3. He followed her into the house.他跟随她走进房屋。

7、4. My daughter has followed in my steps and bee a teacher.我的女儿跟随我的脚步,成为一名教师.5. Her trainer paced her on a motorcar following her slowly.她的教练骑着一辆摩托慢慢跟随着她为她测步速.6. Some of our people are traveling with the troupe on its tour.我们中的一些人跟随剧团巡回演出.7. The baggage followed in the rear of the troops on march.辎重跟随在行进军队的后部.8. The boy followed his father out.那男孩跟随他父亲出去了.9. As he reached the hall after her, he saw what had arrested her.他跟随她到了大厅,看见了吸引她注意的东西。

8、10. He has since 1965 faithfully followed and supported every twist and turn of government policy.自1965年以来,他一直忠诚地跟随和支援 *** 政策的每一次变化和转向。

9、11. He was attended, as are all heads of state, by a full panoply of experts.和所有国家元首一样,他身边跟随着各个领域的专家。

10、12. Note the various sounds of vowels followed by r.注意r跟随的各种母音的发音.13. Russia, Holland, and Britain followed in the wake of America.俄国 、 荷兰以及英国紧紧跟随美国.14. That's Rex with Uncle Bob and Aunt Patricia.那个是雷克斯,它跟随着舅舅和舅妈.15. Fishing boats and pleasure - craft followed the great liner into the harbour.渔船和游艇跟随着大型班轮进入了港口.。


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