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充满我赞美诗 充满我赞美诗在线试听


充满我赞美诗 充满我赞美诗在线试听充满我赞美诗 充满我赞美诗在线试听

1、我生命气息全然为你你的大爱一 你的大爱,过於人所能度,我救主!但不堪的我,真要知道它的高、深、长、阔,好叫它的能力越显越多在我身上!二 你的慈爱,过於人所能论,我救主!但我的嘴唇要向远近罪人劝诲谆谆,告诉他们,你爱能解忧困,并赐喜乐。

2、三 你的奇爱过放人所能赞,我救主!但我的心坎总要歌唱那爱,这大!这满!因为恶性如我,也得恩湛,来亲近神!四 我今虽然不能在这地方测度398首《荣耀归神》、讲论、颂赞爱的泱漭;但我要带我的虚空心房,来到你爱的泉源良港,求你充满!五 我真是一个虚空的器皿,对你从无一次恋慕深情;但我却能一再来你面前,求你怜恤、帮助,得你恩典,因你爱我!六 哦,我主,求你用爱充满我,领我到天上永活的江河;让我用简单的信到那裏,倚靠、鉴赏、称羡并享受你,不再他求。

3、七 当我面对面看见我救主,当我在他的宝座前俯伏,那时,我就要希奇并歌唱他的大爱如何深、高、阔、长,并要敬拜。

4、IT PASSETH KNOWLEDGE1. It pass knowledge, that dear love of Thine,My Jesus Siour; yet this soul of mineWould of Thy love, in all its breadth and length,Its height, and depth, its rlasting strength,Know more and more.2. It pass ling, that dear love of Thine,My Jesus, Siour; yet these lips of mineWould fain proclaim to sinners, far and near,A love which can remove all guilty fear,And love beget.3. It pass praises, that dear love of Thine,My Jesus Siour, yet this heart of mineWould sing that love, so full, so rich, so free,Which brings a rebel sinner, such as me,Nigh unto God.4. But though I cannot sing, or l, or knowThe fullness of Thy love, while here below,My empty vessel I may freely bring;O Thou who art of love the living spring,My vessel fill.5. I am an empty vessel - not one thoughtOr look of love to Thee I've r brought;Yet I may come, and come again to Thee,With this the empty sinner's only plea;Thou lovest me.6. Oh, fill me, Jesus, Siour, with Thy love!Lead, lead me to the living fount above,Thither may I in faith draw nigh,And nr to another fountain fly,But unto Thee.7. Lord Jesus, when Thee face to face I see,When on Thy lofty throne I sit with Thee,Then of Thy love, in all its breadth and length,lts height and depth, its rlasting strength,My soul shall sing.。


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