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六一儿童节英语作文6句 儿童节英文作文5句



六一儿童节英语作文6句 儿童节英文作文5句六一儿童节英语作文6句 儿童节英文作文5句

















Today is children’s day,and I he a good time with it .I went to my friend‘s house .We playedswing.The




































Our school will he a performance at the night of children’s day. And several clasates and I are going to perform a fairy tale------Snow White. I will perform the role snow white. I will wait for my prince to kiss me to wake me up. Then we will he a happy life. Although we he practice many times, I still feel nervous. But I believe in myself, and I also believe in my clasates. Wait for our wonderful performance!

Today is Children's father takes me to the e are many kinds of animals,the tigers, the pandas,the lions, the elephants,the giraffes and the bears.

They are different from each other ,some are shy, some are beautiful, some are interesting , some are friendly, some are so cute.

But i think these animals are unhappy, they should live in the forest,because the life in the zoo are different from that in the forest.




In china, children’s day is celebrated on june 1 and is formally known as “the june 1 international children’s day”.

Schools usually hold activities such as camping trips or free movies on children’s day to allow students to he fun, and children might also receive all gifts from the government. entrance ceremonies of the young pioneers of china are usually held on june 1 as well.





Today is the international children’s day. my school hewithld a party for students.

All classes took part in this show. students prepared for it from month ago. the show was very wonderful. some students sang songs, and some des, there are some students performed painting and the piano. the audiences enjoyed the show happily.

In the end, our president made a speech. he spoke highly of this show and our students. he wished us a happy children’s day.






Children‘s Day






On June 1st day, all children are very happy. On that day ,we don‘t go to school.Most of the children will go to the park. In the park, some children are flying kites, some are playing football, and some are playing a game.In the sky,there are a lot of kites.But there is only once a year we will he this happy festival.I think Children‘s Day is the most important holiday for the children.Because everybody has fun on that day!

My Children‘s Day

Anyhow, it was fun each time.

together .At about 2 pm,we went to the zo,Io ,we saw many animals.such as tigers,lions,mokeys

and so on.When we get home,we helped her mother make dinner.It’s really very perfect for me.


After reading thes篇二:Today is Children's Daye,I am really ashamed to look at useless toy cars in my hand.I think I will definitely think about you when I do something wasteful in the future.

Morning, the golden land of sunshine shaman, the campus is particularly beautiful flowers, trees一棵棵also all the more forceful. Students dressed in beautiful clothes, With that happy note, came to the school. , The campus and stuck the flags, blowing in the breeze, the flags dancing in the wind, as if in and we say; "I wish you a happy 61."

looking at our laughter towards our applause. After the U.S. dance , Xu sweet for everyone clasates sang "Solar Rain" theme song, her sweet voice with their own resounding solo to celebrate "61." Turn to instrumental performances, and we took to go blowing clarinet Units, tracks are "painting the Carpenter", "cowboy", "Spring has." Dozens of students stood on stage together blowing, sound filled the campus, applause reverberated in the campus, iling at his face in full bloom.

Tidy row of students he participated in the School of the square to celebrate the 61 General Assembly, the General Assembly began, school leaders told us that holiday greetings, and then held a first-year students into teams of a ceremony to them today is a glorious young pioneers I am really happy for them. At a presentation ceremony, Wu Hao-day I took office to accept the award on behalf of the whole class. Because the EV71 virus in Fuyang, 61 the General Assembly this year's excitement did not last year, but I am glad, because I was named outstanding school of the Young Pioneers and the advanced education of inpiduals Thanksgiving.

Dad can come back to work late, he is back I he my father to tell him the good news.




International Children's Day is coming. Last week, the teacher said, "on International Children's Day, we will hold a celebration party. You are welcome to report your own programs!"

Our own festival is coming soon,and our school has carried out colorful"celebrating 61"activities.

On Friday morning,my clasates all iles and happily come to school.Because the gymnastics performance"celebrating 61"will be held soon.The activity started,and the studentsfootsteps were neat and forceful,the cheer was deafening,and the gymnastics movements were neat.From the front,it seems that there is only one person in this column.

After returning to the classroom,the students scrambled to show their carefully prepared programs for everyone.Clasates who tell jokes delight everyone in the past.The students who tell stories fascinate us.The students beautiful songs he introduced us into another world.Dancing makes people lively and lovely.Some students in the classroom enjoy wonderful programs brought by their clasates while eating snacks.Some classrooms are whispering,but the teacher lets students talk interesting stories with their peers in a low voice...


In the eyes of every child,childrens day is very good,so Ill tell you something.

This childrens day of June 1st is unusual for me,because the day before yesterday,we and the third grade students P bombed balloons,and I somehow became the captain.what can I do?I he thought of a good way,and you will listen.

I decided to put a word"snake array".what do you think is"word snake array"?Hee hee,watch:

I arranged a few people to bomb them with balloons,and we stood in a line.when those people were about to be bombed,we rushed.unexpectedly,this plan was really successful,and they were unprepared.we bombed them and flew them all the time,but what I didnt know was that they had an ambush.we fled straight away.suddenly,I found that we were all carrying ribbons with us,and we took them out,turned defeat into victory,and spewed them out.they also had no choice but to"surrender".

This June 1st childrens day is very unusual,and I look forward to the coming of the next June 1st childrens day!


When I got home,my mother showed me a report.On the childrens day of June 1st,the students of yangmu primary school in Luoyang township,xingyi city,Guizhou province only hope that they can he a full meal at noon every day,and they dont he to go to school hungry in the afternoon.some students can only drink some water and stay out of school in the afternoon.of course,the reason is that a word"poor".


Today is the childrens day of June 1st,and I got up early and came to school happily.the campus has taken on a new look,and the newly built stage is full of colorful balloons,which is very beautiful!Todays activities are colorful,including dancing,chorus,guzheng,skits and so on.

In the afternoon,the school held a charity sale activity.You can choose what you like to buy,that is,you can buy what you like,and you can do a Xiao Xiaos heart for those in need.When the teacher said that the charity sale started,we rushed to the playground like galloping horses on the prairie.At this moment,the big playground is crowded and very lively.Before I came to a"shop",there were all kinds of books,toys and articles for daily use.I looked east and west,and I was dazzled.I didnt know what to choose.Later,I finally selected two forite books,one about all kinds of cars and the other about cpaing turn.I am so happy to buy what I like.

I am really happy with the"June 1st" this year!

六一儿童节的英语作文 5句话左右


Children's Daythe Children's Day this year is the most unforgeI will no loneger be a child once going to middle schoolttable one for me beacause i'll soon graduate.Even though it doesn't come yet,i believe it must be the m六一儿童节英语作文:Today is Children‘s Dayost unforgettable.I will no lonege...



【 #英语资源# 导语】六一儿童节到了,模拟童年玩玩泥巴,模仿幼稚爬爬地瓜,效仿童稚爬上大树,藏颗童心跳跳皮筋,收藏童真欢乐舒心,六一儿童节愿你回到童年的岁月,追忆难忘的童年欢乐。以下是 为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。 1.六一儿童节英语作文范文

Looking left and right, we finally arrived at the annual International Children's Day. Today, our class organized 61 activities in a western restaurant.

As early as two weeks ago, the head teacher, Mr. Li, announced to everyone that he would start the program. Hearing the news program, everyone was so happy that they burst into a pot and enthusiastically reported their own programs.

Today, everyone is excited and nervous, because they will perform on the stage soon. Everyone is eager to show their style color on the stage, but they are afraid of any mistakes. But I'm not nervous at all, because I'm an audience. I took a glass of juice and watched the program attentively. All the students on the stage acted very seriously and intoxicated. There are also many kinds of programs, including singing, dancing, playing zither, painting, playing violin and performing sketches. Although the performance was not very professional, it was wonderful. After all, it was the students' own stage. They could give full play to their imagination and creativity. Everyone enjoyed it.

It was time for dinner. Under the temptation of food, everyone scrambled to grab it. The head teacher, Mr. Li, was afraid of scalding us when he saw this situation. He ran to maintain order and everyone lined up in order. As soon as Miss Li walked away, there was chaos again. We've never had such a delicious dinner.

The following is the general mobilization. Boys and girls are taking model steps, playing games, stepping on balloons, cutting ribbons, circling, etc. everyone has a serious and happy time.

Unknowingly, at nine o'clock in the evening, the happy time quickly flowed away. It's time for everyone to say goodbye. We left reluctantly. What an unforgettable children's Day!


Today is International Children's Day. My mother took me to the aquarium. As soon as I entered the door, I felt the ell of the ocean.

There is a all black fish in it. Don't underestimate it. Although it is black and all, it is very fierce. It is a piranha. As long as it ells the ell of blood, it will not let go of its prey. It is a threat to humans, so we can't get close to it.

I walked a few steps ahead and saw the sign saying "sucking fish". I'm curious. Why is it called "sucking fish"? When I came closer, it turned out that the child was holding a bottle with fish food in it. Put the bottle into the water and many all fish swim over. Whoever grabs it can suck the pacifier with his mouth and eat fish food. It's like a baby drinking milk. It's so cute.

Further on, I came to the undersea tunnel. Many all fish swam over my head in a neat line. I really want to touch them with my hand. I also want to become a fish and swim around freely in the water like them.

Finally, I went to the Ocean theater and watched the performances of Princess Mermaid and Prince Frog. It was so wonderful that I diMy clasates and I are very happy! Our school held a performance to celebrate the international International Children's Day. All the teachers and students gathered together to watch the performance. The performances include singing, dancing, poetry reading and sitcoms. It's really colorful!dn't want to lee.

I had a happy children's day with marine animals in the aquarium.


Look! How happy father-in-law sun is! That lovely iling faces, bursts of happy songs, how happy... How lively our campus is! Let me tell you, today is our holiday "61" children's day.

The sun on June 1 is always so happy; The flowers of June day are always so bright and fragrant. On International Children's Day, everything becomes happy and wonderful! Blue sky,pictures.Do white clouds, flowers and green grass are so beautiful and refreshing. The students wore holiday costumes and came to the campus happily. At eight o'clock, the whole school came to the playground in a neat line to watch the program. With the sound of salute, the whole playground became a sea of joy. The children are dancing on the stage. How beautiful the dance is, like a fairy. Singing and dancing, the activity lasted for more than three hours. The students were very happy. How I hope every day is as happy as today! How time flies! Beautiful dancing, beautiful singing and fluent poetry reading ended in cheers, applause and praise.

Today is a sunny day, a day full of flowers, a day of singing and laughing... What you see in the sun is the same as what I see, that is, the iling faces of children full of happy flowers.


It's sunny this afternoon. We held the activity of "Celebrating June 1". The students he been waiting for this day for a long time. We can he activities! The students jumped three feet high.

We first read beautiful words and sentences by the host, and then performed sketches. The students under the stage were silent, including snow white, Cinderella and little red riding hood wait. The students acted seriously. One by one, they acted the characters in the animation like a touch and lifelike. Especially Lin Chen's "Little Red Riding Hood" is lovely and beautiful. I like this "Little Red Riding Hood".

We also played a game. Mr. Zhang raised a piece of paper and let us see it, but we can't say it. Then let the first student in the first group see it and let him do the action to show the whole group. Whoever guesses right first wins. When he makes a mistake, the students burst into laughter and happy laughter echoed in the teaching room for a long time!

Finally, we ate the cake, because it was our clasate's birthday. Today's cake tasted very sweet. I think Chen Tao must be very happy for his birthday. Everyone ate it with relish!


This International Children's Day is the craziest International Children's Day I he ever had. Why is it the craziest? Let me talk to you slowly.

Early in the morning of children's day, I came to the school gate happily and looked at it. My God! The ground, trees, doors and teaching buildings are full of ribbons and foam. Is this the "gift" that those students left to the school for children's day? This is crazy!

I came to the entrance of the stairs in fear. Suddenly I heard a little clasate shouting to his clasate, "don't go up! It's dangerous up there!" Uh huh? Is it really dangerous up there? I walked up doubtfully. As soon as I had just crossed the last step, I was as numb as a chicken. The upstairs was white as if it had just snowed.

When I woke up, I immediately walked into the classroom. Unexpectedly, the students in the classroom were more crazy and sprinkled colors on others. Naturally, I became their new target. They picked up the ribbon and sprinkled it on me. As I ran, I shouted, "kill!", He also picked up the ribbon on the ground and threw it at them. I had an idea and came up with a good idea: sweep the ribbon into a pile and pick it up. hey! Since everyone is so crazy, I want to carry out the madness to the end! My clasates and I continued to go crazy and spent a crazy morning.

Later, we were still hungry alone, and we ended this crazy International Children's Day. Even if it's crazy, but each of us is very happy.


Today, I am very happy, because our class will hold a class meeting with the theme of "childhood, sunshine and dream", and I am the host. I can not only exercise myself, but also show my talents in front of my clasates.

I stood in front of the stage, took the manusc ript and looked at so many teachers and clasates. My heart jumped around like a little rabbit, which made me angry and sweated in my palm. Alas... For the success of this class meeting, well, I must insist! While I was taking a deep breath, I kept telling myself: relax, be sure to relax. Fortunately, every time my speech only takes a few minutes, and the rest of the time is the students' performance. After reading, I returned to my seat and breathed a sigh... It turned out that hosting the program was not as easy as I thought. No wonder someone said: one minute on stage, ten years off stage.


Today is "61" children's day, which is our children's forite festival.

In the afternoon, the students, led by the teacher, went to the park to play. We came to the park. When I entered the gate of the park, I saw a boiling scene in the park; There are rows of people pedaling overhead cars on the high track. Inflatable trampoline, many people are playing

The most exciting is the bumper car. The teacher took us to the bumper car venue. I remember once I drove a bumper car alone. I didn't know how many times I hit it, so I was a little afraid to drive later. I first watched others play, saw others play so thrilling, so happy, I also want to try.

After a while, it was finally my turn to drive. Qili and I chose a yellow bumper car, "Ding Ding, Ding Ding." The car started. Qi Li stepped on the accelerator with all her strength. As for me, I held the steering wheel and stared around. My heart was so nervous that I was about to jump out. We drove safely around the field. Suddenly, a car rushed over and hit my car. I quickly turned the steering wheel and finally started again. However, after a while, I didn't know why. My steering wheel didn't listen to my command. I always ran to the most dangerous place - the center, causing me to hit several cars.

Just hing a good time, "eh? Why can't it open?" I wonder, after thinking, oh! The original time has come.

Later, we played with Trojans and water airships, and then reluctantly left the park.


Today is the "61" festival, which is the children's own festival.

In the morning, I went to the school to see the performance. At school, Mr. Chen turned on the TV and the students sat quietly in their seats watching the program.

In the afternoon, grandpa took me and my clasates to the Youth Activity Center in summer. The youth activity center is packed with people. Many children play there. There are many amusement projects there, including: Wisdom circle, mice love rice, blowing candles and so on. I played many projects and got many prizes.

My forite is "playing golf" and "two pronged approach". When playing golf, my uncle put the ball beside the bat. I held the bat in both hands and slowly pushed the ball into the basket. The ball rolled in at once. My mood at that time suddenly relaxed a lot. My uncle also ge me a big prize.

"Two pronged approach" is to write the same word with a hook and line pen in both left and right hands at the same time. When writing with the left hand, it is difficult to write manually, and the words are also ugly. When writing with the right hand, it is easier, and the words are also beautiful and upright. My eyes looked at the words on the left and the words on the right for a while, and I was dazzled. It took half a minute to write eight words. But I still got three prizes!


In the morning reading class, the teacher was very kind today and allowed us to read extracurricular books. Ha! I can read "Laughing Cat Diary: spring in Cherry ditch" again. This book was written by beautiful aunt Yang Hongying. I like this book. The little story inside deeply attracts me and I read it with relish.

The chorus competition began. The students were in high spirits and sang so attentively and beautifully. It was our class's turn. I was excited and nervous and took my clasates to the stage. We sing "National Anthem" and "labor is the most glorious". I like the song "labor is the most glorious" very much, because it teaches us not to be lazy. A happy life is created by labor. Everyone sang very seriously and loudly. The beautiful song echoed in the auditorium, and my heart floated away with it.

We also held recreational activities and food festivals. The food at the food festival was very attractive. The students brought the food carefully prepared by their mother: colorful fruit salad, fragrant cake roll, delicious braised chicken wings, rich fresh fruits... We enjoyed these rich foods beautifully.

"The song of June 1st is sweet, and the song of June 1st is beautiful..." this year's children's day has passed, but the beautiful song is still echoing in my heart, which I will never forget.


Today, it is International Children's Day. Our school is going to hold a singing competition. I got up early and asked my mother to wash my face, draw makeup, comb my hair. I came to school dressed up beautifully.

Sitting in the classroom, I waited for the performance with great tension. Suddenly, teacher Zhu's beautiful voice came from the broadcast in the classroom: "all students and teachers, please gather on the playground." Before the teacher came, the students couldn't wait to move their stools and run to the playground. Mr. Cao and Mr. Zhu made opening speeches on the stage.

The game finally began. Our class ranked first in the program. We stepped on the stage in a neat line. With the music on the radio, we performed seriously. Although it's a group dance, everyone is very attentive. Next came Zhu Bajie's daughter-in-law from the preschool performance. The students were stunned. Looking at the lovely appearance of my little brother and sister, there were bursts of cheers under the stage. This year's program is so wonderful. I watched the next poem reading, zither playing and dance... There was constant applause. The most wonderful is the martial arts performed by the big brother in grade 4, which brought the atmosphere of the stage to a climax.

The competition is over. Although I didn't perform any programs alone, I'm also very happy. I hope there will be more such activities in the future, so that every student can he the opportunity to show himself.


This class meeting is really unforgettable to me. It makes me understand that June day is only once a year. Don't let a good time pass in vain.

第Inchina, it is a big day for children. on june 1, except join some activities, their parents also take children to parks or fairground to he fun, and then he a big dinner.一篇:六一儿童节

Dear Mary,

We shall go to Chongqing Museum to visit the spaceship Yang Liwei took in the space on Children's Day. We are going to take the number 464 bus there at 8:30 a.m.out side the school gate.

May I borrow your English novel “ Under the Moon ” for a week? Please bring it to me that day if you will

第二篇:The children`s day is coming .so I am very happy.I think that day I am going to buy a beautiful gift for me.on that wonderful day, I am going to play in that children‘s garden whit my mother and father. it will be the most happy day!Children's Day

the Children's Day this year is the most unforgettable one for me beacause i'll soon graduate.

Even though it doesn't come yet,i believe it must be the most unforgettable.

What a unforgettable Children's Day!


Children's day is coming.On the day before International Children's Day, school leaders and Malaysian leaders spent the afternoon and evening before International Children's Day with us to share this beautiful moment. I want to do many things on that day.


My clasates and I are very happy when the childrens day of June 1st comes.we he a big food meeting in our school on the childrens day of June 1st this year,and we are all very happy to exchange food and gifts......


Children's day 61 is our own holiday. I he been happily unable to sleep since last night, and I am flattered at the thought that tomorrow will be June 1st, and I even laugh in my dreams!

Although the sky is fair today, it does not affect our happy mood at all. The teacher showed us animated films " dingdang cat" and " spongebob", and we watched them with relish. The talented kids in our class also performed colorful programs! Wang junbo made a funny little magic for you, Jin yidan sang a happy children's song for you, Lu Shuyi played a beautiful harmonica for you, Zheng Yueyang read a beautiful poem for you, and I told you an interesting story. We had a fantastic performance!

Happy children's day!



Children's day is coming. Our students are thinking about children's day coming, because children's day is a very big holiday for my children, and our school can he a holiday, and parents can also give us something, such as toys, computers, cellphones, game consoles, pencils and pencil cases. This June 1st children's day is the happiest time for our children.

Our school is holding children's day on June 1st, and then there are winning clasates who send us things, the first one is to send mobile phones, the second one is to send video games, the third one is to send pencils, pencil boxes, ballpoint pens and schoolbags. On that holiday, I got the third place. those gifts were sent to me, bag, pencil and pencil-box ballpoint pen.

The last prize is mobile phone, and my clasate won the first prize, and the headmaster of our school personally ge it to him.





Today, in order to celebrate children's day, the school held a commendation congress for excellent classes and excellent students.

I am honored to be elected as a good student. My heart was very excited when my name was called on the radio. Looking at the testimonials in my hand, I thought in my heart: I must study hard, be a good helper for teachers and a good example for students.

Later, we took part in happy garden activities. Looking at the happy appearance of everyone in the park, I thought about the children in welfare homes mentioned by my mother. I really want to spend children's day with them with gifts and pass on happiness to them.

I want to make my own festivals happy and meaningful.





In the morning, the school held commendation activities and talent performances. Garden tour activities will be held in each class in the afternoon. Our class plays the game of painting nose and stepping on balloon.

I like nose painting best. The teacher drew a head, and then let's draw the nose. Some people paint on the face, some people paint on the eyes and some people paint on the outside of the head. lovely people become big cats. Then we started to play the trampling balloon game again, and the students tied two balloons on their feet and divided them into two groups. Both groups rushed at each other, scrambling to step on each other's balloons, and a minute later, my group won. The teacher rewarded everyone in our group with one candy, and everyone was very happy. This " June 1st children's day" is really fun!







篇一:Children'Next, what attracts people's attention most is magic. With the music, a boy came on stage. He held a wooden stick in his hand. In an instant, the little wooden stick turned into flowers. At this time, the students were surprised and the next one was more wonderful. The boy took out an empty box and didn't know what magic force he applied. A white dove flew out of the box. The white dove flew freely in the lecture hall, and the lecture hall was filled with thunderous applause.s Day

The Children's Day this year is the most unforgettable one for me beacause i'll soon graduate.

Even though it doesn't come yet,i believe it must be the most unforgettable.

What a unforgettable Children's Day!

Today is Children's Day.My father takes me to the zoo.There are many kinds of animals,the tigers, the pandas,the lions, the elephants,the giraffes and the bears.

The children`s day is coming .so I am very happy.I think that day I am going to buy a beautiful gift for me.on that wonderful day, I am going to play in that children's garden 【 #英语资源# 导语】一年有三百六十五天,在这三百六十五天里,我喜欢的就是“六一”儿童节。因为在这一天,我们唱歌,我们跳舞,欢天喜地的庆祝自己的节日。以下是 无 整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。 1.庆祝六一儿童节英语作文whit my mother and father. it will be the most happy day!

During the Children's Days when we were young, we sometimes were taken out by parents, or we young kids went together by ourselves, running to the very places with lots of fun and buying plenty of things for a whole day. If my parents took me to, I would choose climbing hills as i loved to.we usually chose to climbing tall ones,because it would be so meaningful.some would like to invite friends home to he a party to celebrate the Children's Day.

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