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你是最棒的用英语怎么说 你是最棒的用英语怎么说呢怎么写



最口语化的是He is No.1!

你是最棒的用英语怎么说 你是最棒的用英语怎么说呢怎么写你是最棒的用英语怎么说 你是最棒的用英语怎么说呢怎么写

你是最棒的用英语怎么说 你是最棒的用英语怎么说呢怎么写


He is the best. 这个口头话

He is the best .



you should beli you are the be或者:You speak English well!st!

Beli that you ar问题四:英语“太棒了”怎么说? 1. That's cool!e the best.



You are the best Engliworldsh teacher r 你是史上最棒的英生活总是让我们遍体鳞伤,但到后来,那些受伤的地方会变得更坚强。语老师

You are the greastest teatcher I he know。


Darling, you you are the best teacher!are the best~

You are best teacher. 不用冠词

Your english is very good

you're the best teacher .

You are best teacher.


I am the bestare

you are the best in my heart forr!

Our love will stay through the years and ive through the good and bad.

It will last forr. 我们的爱将永恒存在.

Baby, my love for you grows with each passing day.

I nr thought it's sible to love one this way.


I Beli in You and Me. I Beli That we will be in love eternally.

Anytime you want me, I'll be true here for you. Anytime you need

me, I'll be here for you. 所有的事,只有为你!

The more I know I love you ,the morat I'm sure

I want you for r and r more. 只有你,是我心中最闪亮的那颗星!

I think i love you before i met you otherwise i won't be so afraid of

missing you.情人节快乐,宝贝!

Please let me give you my heart compley. 让我爱你!

Dear, please don't doubt. I will love you still from the depths of my

heart and grow old with you. 执子之手,与子偕老!

I he a crush on you.


I care about you deeply.


You light up my life.


I can't liEnglishve without you.


You mean the world to me.


My heart belongs to you.


You take my breath away.


You are always the best in my heart!

You are always the best in my heart.

You are the best in my heart.

To the world you may be just a girl,to me you are the world.


How marvellous you are !

问题一:你很棒用英语怎么说? 你很棒

You will always be the one for me. 只有你在我心深处!

you are so wonderful

如对本题有疑问可追问,Good luck!

You are so fantastic

How wonderful you are !

问题二:很棒的英文怎么写 你好 great、good、fantastic、terrific、wonderful都可以

问题三:你的英文说的很棒用英语怎么说 You弧speak English very fluently.

Your English is very good.

You speak English very Well.

很好, 很棒!

Cool 这个字在英文里的意思就是「很好, 很棒」的意思. 不管在任何时候我们要对其它人表现赞同时我们都可以说 That's cool! 或是单说, Cool! 例如别人说, I'm going to graduate this year. (我今年要毕业了.) 这时你就可以赶紧接一句, That's cool! 又或是别人说, We're going to win the championship this year. (我们今年要拿冠军了.) 你还是可以说, That's cool! 总之我们可以用 That's cool. 或是 Cool. 这句话来表示出对别人的认同. 不过要注意一点, cool 在美语里跟中文里形容一个人很酷的那个酷是不一样的 (虽然它们的发音正好一样). 所以当你说, He is a cool guy. 时, 说的其实不是这个人很「酷」, 而是说这个人「很好、很棒」.

另外老美也常常会问我, Are you cool with that? 意思就是, 「你觉得这样子作好不好?」例如今天我朋友跟我约好一个时间, 但他临时有事, 必须晚到一个小时, 这时候他就可以问我, Are you cool with that? (你觉得这样好吗?) 来征求我的认同.

2. Neat!


Neat 这个字不论在用法上和程度上和 cool 这个字可以说是不多的, 同样都是表现出对别人的一种肯定和认同. 例如今天我说 I've taken piano lessens for ten years. (我已经学了十年的钢琴.) 这时候你就可以接, Neat! 或 Cool! (真是不简单!) 来表示你的敬佩之意.

另外, neat 和 cool 也有「新奇」的意思. 当「新奇」解时这两个字常和 stuff 这个字连用, 表示一些很新奇又很棒的事物. 例如你为了吸引别人的注意就可以说, Check out those neat stuff! (看看这些很棒的东西.) 这里用 neat 来形容这件东西 (stuff) 不但很新奇而且值得一看. 同样的你也可以说, cool stuff, 例如, I've just bought some cool stuff. (我刚买了一些很棒的东西.)

Great 在口语之中通常不作它原来的意思「伟大」解. 平常老美用到 great 这个字时, 其实指的就是「很好、很棒」. 但 great在程度上比 good 还高一级. 所以善用 good 和 great 的区别就可以表现出你的认同对方的程度. 比方说吧, 如果今天是个普通的好友拿了一个 A, 你可以说, That's good. 就不多了, 但如果是自己很要好的朋友拿了一个 A, 那就不妨说声, That'......>>

问题五:看上去很棒,用英文怎么说? That sounds

问题六:“你很棒”用英语怎么说 you are so great

问题七:你很棒,非常好,用英语怎么说 You are really great

问题九:你也很棒用英文怎么说呢? 可以是 You are also very good 或 You great

问题十:“你很棒”用英语怎么拼?、、、 You are gr唬at!

You are amazing!



i am the best

D你是什么样的人和你想成为什么样的之间的距就是,你做了什么。arling, you are the best!

请采Well done!纳

给你一句地道点的:baby,you're the greatest !

honey you are the best!^_^

you are the greatest , my darling !

Honey,you are best the one!

Honey,you are the best one!

honey,you are wonderful!

my darling ,you are the best one!

Dear,you are the best!


3. That's great!

I'm the best

I am good!

I‘m the best.

I best

"I am the best."

I aYou are so greatm great

我最棒"的英语翻译可以是 "I am the best" 或者 "I am the greatest"。


You are the best teacher.

Your speak English very well。 望采纳。


You speak good English.

You speak English well.




Your English is good !

your English is pretty good你的英语好

your accent is pretty good你的口音好棒

you speak English very well你英语说的真不错








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